Axminster - good customer service

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi all

Just wanted to share this with you as an example of good customer service.

I purchased a digital electronic caliper from Axminster a few weeks ago and a problem arose with it yesterday (Monday). I contacted Axminster and they said they would send out a replacement and a returns envelope.

Now, having only returned goods to Screwfix I thought I knew what to expect. But, surprise surprise, the replacement arrived in the post this morning. The returns envelope was sent separately.

Well done Axminster. I am a very happy customer. :lol:


PS I have no connection to Axminster.
Nice to hear they're not fouling up every transaction at the moment. :roll:

The usual difficulty with getting stuff over the Tamar is in operation down here (Christmas at the customs depot on the border is a nightmare. The helpful Xmas piskies leave pasty crumbs all over the parcels). Ordered a couple of their "new style" aprons (Stock code MRSVNAL) but got heavy duty ones instead (Stock code MRSVAL). Now waiting on the returns label and the right aprons. Not that I mind that much, but if only they hadn't made the codes so similar it would probably have never happened in the first place. D'oh! Not sure why one of their fancy new vans can't drop off the right one and pick up the wrong 'un though. It's not like they're busy delivering, because everything seems to be out of stock by all accounts. :lol: Ah well, Axminster moves in mysterious ways, its wonders to perform. (No pun intended :) )

The heavy duty cotton aprons, btw, really are heavy duty and pretty impressive (for an apron). Not sure I'm wildly enamoured of advertising APTC across my chest though. Shouldn't they be paying us to do that...? :? :lol:

Cheers, Alf

Who also has no connection with Axminster, but is willing to stop poking fun at them if they'll send me money. Or I'll take tools in lieu. Or vouchers. I'm not fussy. :wink:
Had a few probs over a delivery from axminster but eventually got recompense when they realised I wasn't joking :evil:
I've always had good service from Axminster and if there's a problem they email me immediately. Packaging is second to none and I've never had anything arrive damaged. Can't say the same for Screwfix :(
Oooo, I really hope you were touching wood when you wrote that, Joe... :wink:

To be fair though, the returns label has turned up this morning, which is an awful lot quicker than usual. :D

Cheers, Alf
Hey All,
On the whole Axminster are pretty good, but that's why it's dissapointing when they let us down.
Bye the way, Yes I'm still waiting for my Lie-nielsen Dovetail saw and Marking guage I ordered at Tools 2003!!!!
Xmas greetings,
Philly":19qjg2hu said:
On the whole Axminster are pretty good, but that's why it's dissapointing when they let us down.
That's a good point, Philly. I think maybe one's irritation increases in direct proportion to the reputation of the business. Hmmm, there are a few companies I'll never be losing my patience with then, and that isn't to their credit at all.... :wink:

Sorry to hear your goodies haven't turned up yet. I get the impression the arrival of the shipment from L-N is awaited by more than one eager woodworker this festive season. :?

Cheers, Alf
Oooo, I really hope you were touching wood when you wrote that, Joe... :wink:

Alf, I'll always touch wood, say thirty three hail mary's, exosize the PC and get ready to jump into a nuclear proof shelter not only when ordering anything from any company but also when posting on here :D
I have ordered from APTC over the last two or three years and never a problem until my last order. It was for a 'clearview' workshop lamp.

The parcel arrived promptly - the delivery note showed the correct item but the box contained a completely different lamp! Quick 'phone call to APTC, explained the problem and suggested their packer must have been on the Christmas spirit when he made up my package.

Axminster's response? Sent out the correct item immediately - it arrived the following morning. When asked about arrangements for return of the incorrect item they asked me to keep it with their compliments!

Guess which supplier I shall be using wherever possible in future.
trevtheturner":1dbbgnz8 said:
When asked about arrangements for return of the incorrect item they asked me to keep it with their compliments!
Drat and blast it!!! Why doesn't that ever happen to me?!! That's a rhetorical question of course, I know exactly why. Just cause these Devonians are so cheesed off at being on the wrong side of the Tamar they get their revenge where they can...

Minus two wrong aprons, but no replacements in sight btw. How'll I be able to sneak into the workshop over the festive period without getting my party gear all sawdusty if they don't come?! :cry:

Cheers, Alf (Axminster customer of nearly 10 years standing, so obviously starting to get taken for granted. Humph. :wink: )
As I say, I have been messed about a little.

5 orders, problems with two, taking more than two phone calls to sort out.
Hi Alf,

Bad luck - hope you get sorted soon.

In the meantime re: your workshop access problem - try dressing as Father Christmas 'cos he can get anywhere at any time and always comes out clean and pristine, even from sooty chimneys!

Anyway, happy and peaceful Christmas to you, new aprons or not, and to all other woodworkers.
