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  1. P

    Extruded or Cellular PVC

    I have seen this stuff a lot on the various American DIY shows lately, and was wondering if it's made it over here yet? Basically cellular PVC is a solid weatherproof material that can be treated like regular wood - milled, mitered, routered, etc.
  2. P

    Choosing species

    General availability around here is Ash, Beech and Oak. I know Oak does not do well in outdoor situations, wondering if Ash or Beech are OK for things like garden benches etc, if properly treated with tung oil or some other oil-based finish?
  3. P

    BB/CC ? BB/CP ? Interior, Exterior plywood? Where to buy?

    I'm looking for a bulk deal on some cabinet-grade (but not necessarily prefinished with polyurethane) plywood for a number of projects. So I would like to know if any of you know, 1. which of the DIY stores is best for quality/value but not terribly expensive and 2. if there's a major difference...
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    Shop electricity

    My SIL's husband is an electrical engineer who moonlights as a sparky redoing homes and such. We are going to be laying new cable out to the workshop to support the cabinet saw, dust extractor, lights, coffee machine, etc. He's told me that I need a "disjoncteur différentiel Type A, 30 amp"...
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    Xcalibur sliding table dimensions?

    The day has finally come, I sent Roy at Woodford a deposit for a 10" Xcalibur cabinet saw. Also getting the 10" P/T. I do have a question for y'all though : Roy told me the overall dimensions of the 10" with both extensions tables it measures 27" by 47". I have requested a sliding table for...
  6. P

    The great workshop cleanup of 2014

    AKA where I hold myself accountable for getting the workshop ship shape by posting here about how great it's going to be in only three weeks' time. Here is what I had before, when we had just moved in and it was being used as a general storage facility: Miter saw taking up a ton of room, and...
  7. P

    Keep the compound miter?

    Hi again everybody, Economic conditions (aka my wife) are dictating that I try to not spend like a drunken sailor in getting my shop set up, and if possible, sell what I can. I currently have a 12" dewalt sliding compound miter saw with a stand. It works perfectly, nice and powerful, no...
  8. P

    Plywood face frames?

    Hello again everybody, So originally I was going to be milling all the face frames for our kitchen redo myself, from cherry stock (same for the door rails & stiles). However that precluded getting a table saw, and for the moment I think we're holding off on that purchase. I am wondering if...
  9. P

    Planning a project

    Hello all, We're planning on redoing our kitchen. In its current state it is actively trying to kill us - opening one drawer will cause the drawer on top to open as well, hitting you in the head... Or pulling on a door that seems stuck causes the door to rip off and hit you in the shin... As...
  10. P


    General consensus seems to be that the Jet JPT-310 is solid, but for nearly 2k I am going to have a hard time convincing the appropriations committee. I see on Roy Arrowsmith's site that he carries what appears to be an Xcalibur p/t for nearly half the price of the Jet. Has anyone used one of...
  11. P

    Dewalt DW718 + Dust collection... !!!

    I love my DW718 because it's well-built and pretty capable for most of what I need to do. However, the dust collection is atrocious. Of course in general dust collection in my shop is bad as I've only got a crappy shopvac. That all will change soon, though, as the kind folk at The Woodworking...
  12. P

    Breaking down timber into lumber

    Sawn dimensional lumber is pretty hard to find around here, unless you want douglas fir. I have had luck with finding through-and-through whole trees (no quartersawn in Europe it seems?), and putting aside the question of how to get them into my shop, I am wondering what the best tools and...
  13. P

    You paid WHAT???

    So I'm in the market for several tools - bandsaw, drill press, etc etc - just trying to set up my shop. I am always amazed at the prices that people think their tools will sell for. I don't know if this is a uniquely French thing, or if you guys have these sorts over there on the other side of...
  14. P

    Jet JTS-600/SIP 01332/TSCE-12R/Hammer K3

    I know the first two are completely different from the second two, at least in terms of price, but I'm trying to get my head around the best saw for our shop. We don't have a ton of space, probably 3mx10m, so footprint is a concern, although unfolding things for doing panel work will not be a...
  15. P

    Entry-to-mid-level table saw which can support dado bits?

    Hi everybody, I've seen a few posts talking about how great the Axminster table saw (ref AW10BSB2) is for entry to midlevel experience. But can it support dado bits? This is the one 'special' feature that I feel I would need for my joinery work. I can't tell from the Axminster site if the saw...
  16. P

    Greetings from France

    Hi everybody, I'm an American expat living near Paris. I joined the forum here, as opposed to an American one, mainly because I don't want to be told "just go by some 2x4s" - that is to say, the regional differences between Europe and the US and A are too great, but I still want to be able to...