Yandles 9-10 April


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Paul I'm sure I read 10am. I'm aiming for 10:30am.
Escudo":1zscmzvr said:
Struggling to escape for the weekend at the moment. :cry: :cry:
Tony...we've seen you there every year, I'm willing to start a book that you'll make it for this one...

...just don't beat me to the best elm in the wood shed, again :x - Rob
Was it the glorious weather or Yandles new layout? - the place was absolutely heaving today! :)

Arrived about 10:30 and seeing the trolley loads of timber coming out made a bee-line for the timber shed for a few odd exotic bits. Sadly most had been picked over and the queue to pay was enormous!
But despite that had a great day out.

Saw Nigel in the distance and had a chat with Philly whose's trying hard to sell an unusual tool to win a round of teas! :)
The new layout is quite good though Philly and CHT are not in their usual spot. I do not think there was a lot of machinery on show but it could be it was more spread out? The room with the big Startrite stuff seemed to be closed which was always nice to drool over?

It quietened down by 15:30 but by then the ice-cream van had run out of the stuff :cry: Perhaps he will bring more tomorrow? :)

Traffic was very bad on the A303 on the way home but it was the tail-end of the Easter Hols.

Good to hear you had a good day Rod. I'm all set for tomorrow, even done meself a packed lunch :roll: ;) I'm not looking forward to the drive down, but I've made a couple of promises I can't get out of so it's no guts no glory. Currently trying to decide to leave mega early and go the shortest route or have an extra half hour in bed and go the quickest route. It just depends on the traffic. Decisions Decisions.... :-k I will certainly be leaving my wallet at home!
Had a good day out at Yandles the weather was great,

Met a few members of the forum including Chas and Martin (mahking51)
had a chat with Philly and Andy King, sorry I missed you Rod but as you say it was heaving,

The CHT layout was better incorporating Clifton (Mike Hudson) and Philly
but I am not sure the new layout works because as Rod said the queue from the timber sheds was enormous to the extent people were not buying smaller things from the shop only to wait in a line of timber trollys,

IMO they do need to have tills in the shop for smaller items,

Cheers Nigel
Made it today as well. Liked the new layout but as I got there at 9.15 and was all done by 10.30 (well not really but had promised SWMBO a day out elsewhere as well) I didn't see many queues.

Did get a Clifton No. 7 which I had pre-booked, had a chat with Philly as well about a possible skew mitre in the future. Wore my new badge with pride (many thanks Tom) but must have been too early for everyone as I didn't see any other badges about!

Also picked up a new roughing gouge and one of those magnifier lamps as my eyes seem to be struggling more and more these days!

As ever a great show and I must go without SWMBO one day to have more time, but as she was paying for the No 7 for my Birthday couldn't really leave her at home.
yees my wife was talking about coming with me at dinner. I deftly side stepped that idea. I'll be coming alone ;)
Had a good day - met Nigel, CHJ, Philly and PaulJ but missed Martin...

Watched several demos and stayed most of the day so must have enjoyed it.

There were a few bargains around and as it was still there after lunch I got tempted by this Kreg router table, labelled ex-demo but barely used if at all for a mere £99 (it lists at just over £200!) :D
I was amazed no-one grabbed it before...
Picked up a few bits and pieces.
Yes much improved (expanded) show this year, lots of turning demos mostly by 'Names' as opposed to just club reps. Rolly Munroe had not made it by the time I left due to traffic problems I believe on the 303.

Lots of Cast Iron spread around, some with good show prices but little apparent close scrutiny going on from the heaving crowds.

Several Forumites seen to be giving the various stall and demo favorites a hard time, remember Frank, Cambourne Pete, Martin & Nigel but several other faces passed at different times with an ever increasing collection of little plastic bags names escape me.
Favorite pastime seemed to be to leave the Badges at home.

Les Thorn and Terry (chestnuts) were adding to the entertainment value in their little corner, Les with some down to earth snippets of real world advice as opposed to flashing all that is new and shiny.
hi all

just got back from yandles , had a nice 3-4 hrs there , phew manic heaving, anyway met other forum members for the first time so am now able to put faces to names at last , philly mark, routermonster, tom (wizer) , fugal, and of course tony (waka) who i already knew had nice chats to all, bought a veritas honing jig from philly with a very nice discount well worth going just for that , other who were about although never caught up with them i'm lead to believe were , Paul j , I think philly said digit, rob (woodbloke) , never mind another day maybe . really nice day, really nice to meet members, but for me to many bodies. hc
Nice day out, lovely drive down the 303 in bright sunshine and little traffic. Liked the new layout, seemed more space, and the oak beam benches scattered around made a big difference to those of us with tired backs!

Bumped into Waka, Newt, Wizer, Woodbloke and Paul Chapman, good to catch up again, and gave a new home to a couple of nice cocobolo handled blue spruce skew chisels :D

Also paid the deposit on yet another Clifton Anniversary plane special, this one the No 3, to keep the others company :D

Gave Mick's Cliftons at the show a little bit of a workout again too and just reinforced how great they are to handle and use.

Had a chat with Rolly Munro too and very impressed with his hollowing tool and he was using it very successfully on the outside of a bowl as well as the inside, getting a great finish and removing a decent amount of material quite quickly. Quite tempted, as despite having another go late afternoon at home I just can't seem to get on with the Hamlet Little Brother I got a while ago despite trying various different things with it.

Good day out :D

Cheers, Paul :D
Another grand day out...fabulous weather. The new layout seemed to work well, certainly CHT had a better position in one of the marquees than last year. Pete (Newt) and I drove down in the Landy, where we met up with Paul C:


I discovered by chance the new Charwood W650 which at 120kgs and a much smaller footprint than the SIP :shock: ...nice but a bit of a beast.


Waka correctly pointed out that the crown guard is way too flimsy and too big, but which could easily be corrected with one of these The slider is a direct 'lift' off the original Kity, which I'm used to. Motor is 2.2KW induction with tables being cast iron, nice solid fence with micro adjuster, 10" blade. I found this saw difficult to fault so will probably be ordering one later on from Yandles (with free del)
Apart from that I got hold of some Zona 24tpi and 32tpi dovetailing saws, some Bench Cookies (Waka was about to clear Mike's stock at CHT :whistle: ) and a 10mm Veritas plug cutter at a rock bottom price at the end of the day - Rob
Good day, liked the new layout. Why were the police watching the chain saw folk, I thought their owls were not that good, they looked constipated, but i would not be able to do it with a chain saw.
Great Day. It was much bigger than I was expecting which was a great surprise. Good to see some familiar faces. Sorry to have missed Waka. I also had a look over the Charnwood with Rob. I'm not sure about it. I can see it's positives. But one question that occurred to me on the way back in the car, Rob. Was, what does it give you over the Kity? Just a slightly bigger top and a bit more oomph? My only advice would be to hear some real world reviews before making a decision.
The journey was tough but I survived. Managed the journey there in 3hrs20mins with three stops (one for brekky, to quick leg stretchers). I didn't get any traffic problems in either direction and on the way back I stopped once and did it in just under 3hrs. Tho when I got out of the car I was walking like John Wayne :lol:

Got loads of pics, will put them on in a bit. Fantastic show, I'd really like to go again, but I think it's a bit costly on the petrol to make it viable. Maybe next year I wangle it into a weekend away with the girls ;)
wizer":3oudqvbs said:
I also had a look over the Charnwood with Rob. I'm not sure about it. I can see it's positives. But one question that occurred to me on the way back in the car, Rob. Was, what does it give you over the Kity?
Tom - bigger cast iron main table, but smaller footprint than the Kity, 10" blade with corresponding bigger doc and a much better fence with micro adjusters. This is the best option for me that I've seen to date...the others (Record TS200 and SIP) were both good but had obvious disadvantages for me, the Record being that it's unsuitable for board work as it doesn't have an outrigger arm... and the SIP is just too bloody big and heavy - Rob
This is the beasty


hmmm Or was it his beasty :


For the benefit of those who've never been to Yandles, this was what surprised me the most... The WOOD:










That's just a taster. There's wood everywhere, even outside....




There was a mobile saw mill on site. I didn't get time to stop and look for very long. But it looked like he was sawing fresh felled logs that people had brought to him.



I've decided what I'm going to buy for my dust extraction solution:



I completely forgot to get any pics general pics of the CHT marquee. But here's a couple of the machinery area:



Philly was hard at work all day on the CHT stand.


Caught Paul having a chat with Mike Hancock.


What's the betting they were talking about something from this range?:


;) They are lovely. Very tempting!

Had a nice chat with Tom Kealy, a very talented local furniture maker\teacher. He's a great guy who does some cracking work:


I wonder if he managed to get off the premises with one of Phil's planes? ;)

As I said earlier, it was a fantastic day. Beautiful weather. Busy but not heaving which was a relief. What did I buy? er nothing. :oops: Well I did buy a huge Bubinga turning blank and a lump of Massur Birch. Oh and I did meet someone to pick up a new tool. But that's top secret :D :p I also dropped off my SCMS to it's new owner. So it turned out a very worthwhile day indeed. Would love to return. Very long way tho :-k

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