Wild fires in BC Canada.


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At one camera site in particular there were few accidents ......... until the camera was installed. It's a revenue camera, not a speed or safety camera
🤣 🤣
Amazing how they keep churning out the same nonsense!
Europe is not. Germany for one is opening lignite mines.
Fair point on the lignite mines, but that still doesn't mean we should stop trying to mitigate climate change. There seems to be a widely held belief that because some countries are not pulling their weight on this, neither should we. If that holds true, nothing ever changes - imagine if we'd thought that about slavery...
Fair point on the lignite mines, but that still doesn't mean we should stop trying to mitigate climate change. There seems to be a widely held belief that because some countries are not pulling their weight on this, neither should we. If that holds true, nothing ever changes - imagine if we'd thought that about slavery...
More slaves now than ever before, nothing changed.
There seems to be a widely held belief that because some countries are not pulling their weight on this, neither should we. If that holds true, nothing ever changes - imagine if we'd thought that about slavery...
Fair point, but I object to the ridiculous belief that we will somehow lead the rest of the world to the moral high ground.. The rest of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss what we do.
Fair point, but I object to the ridiculous belief that we will somehow lead the rest of the world to the moral high ground..
Nobody has said that. It's just another of your little fantasies.
The rest of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss what we do.
Wrong. Everybody is watching everybody.
We don't rule by plebiscite, politicians are our representatives, not delegates, and they don't need a mandate on every issue.
In fact they are supposed to stay well ahead of the mob and make intelligent decisions, ignoring the braying from un-woke world of donkeys and Daily Mail readers.
Manifestos are a statement of intent rather than a direct contract. Obvious really or they would have to run into thousands of pages.
Well, in a socialist society perhaps! Where the state knows best and its citizens are kept under control. But, you live in a democracy and what you’re suggesting is just wrong. We are back to your I think it, so it must be.
Here is how it works very simplified, So, perspective candidates / parties propose the ideas, changes and what they intend to do whilst in government. The citizens vote to decide what they want doing in their name. The elected government now has a mandate to carry out ONLY what they got elected to do. Clearly they have to react to other situations that arise, but nothing else. We vote every 5 years on a government, in theory enough time for the existing government to implement the mandate they were elected for after which we vote again.
Fair point, but I object to the ridiculous belief that we will somehow lead the rest of the world to the moral high ground.. The rest of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss what we do.
Even if that's the case, maybe sometimes we should do things just because we know they're the right things to do...
Well, in a socialist society perhaps! Where the state knows best and its citizens are kept under control. But, you live in a democracy and what you’re suggesting is just wrong. We are back to your I think it, so it must be.
Here is how it works very simplified, So, perspective candidates / parties propose the ideas, changes and what they intend to do whilst in government. The citizens vote to decide what they want doing in their name. The elected government now has a mandate to carry out ONLY what they got elected to do. Clearly they have to react to other situation that arise, but nothing else. We vote every 5 years on a government, in theory enough time for the existing government to implement the mandate they were elected for after which we vote again.
And how do we handle it when things they promise to do to get themselves elected never get done? This is not a dig at the current government (although they have proved themselves masters of incompetence) but at all parties... That being a given, do we still call it a democracy?
At one camera site in particular there were few accidents ......... until the camera was installed. It's a revenue camera, not a speed or safety camera
It only generates revenue when people break the law. It always amazes me how people see speed cameras as a tax or revenue generator. Don’t break the law, don’t get taxed…
Even if that's the case, maybe sometimes we should do things just because we know they're the right things to do...
No, we should inform and educate the citizens on all aspects of what the policies will entail. We should then allow them to vote on the parties manifestos that state what and how they may tackle the issue. What one man thinks is the right thing t9 do is another’s worst nightmare.
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....The citizens vote to decide what they want doing in their name. ....
No they don't. They vote for representatives not delegates.
Basic O level stuff - you need to do some homework on the subject of the British Constitution.
It's no good just choosing your own ideas of how things work, you will be wrong most of the time. And it's all much more interesting than you can imagine.
Elective dictatorship? The democratic mandate concept has become dangerously over-extended
Perhaps start here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/British-Constitution-Anthony-King/dp/019957698X
Or here https://www.waterstones.com/book/th...rt-introduction/martin-loughlin/9780199697694
In fact I might read the short one myself! These threads are interesting as they do send you off in unforeseen directions
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And how do we handle it when things they promise to do to get themselves elected never get done? This is not a dig at the current government (although they have proved themselves masters of incompetence) but at all parties... That being a given, do we still call it a democracy?
You’re absolutely right, the route problem I believe is that 99% of the population don’t read the manifestos before voting. They vote either on ‘traditional’ lines, or in sound bite presentations of leaders ‘personalities’. Id like to suggest you ask you family and friends how many read all the parties manifestos before voting at the last election. If you don’t know what they were and they voted for them they can’t now very well complain.
No they don't. They vote for representatives not delegates.
Basic O level stuff - you need to do some homework on the subject of the British Constitution.
Stop making stuff up, and actually read posts before replying. I’ve never mentioned delegates, everything I stated is how you vote for representatives, ie with a mandate to represent the citizens will.
It only generates revenue when people break the law. It always amazes me how people see speed cameras as a tax or revenue generator. Don’t break the law, don’t get taxed…
That’s why they haven’t mandated for vehicles speed to be linked to and limited by satnav which could ensure nobody speeds. With your background you know how easy that would be to actually achieve. No need for speed cameras, and a lucrative tax disappears!
That’s why they haven’t mandated for vehicles speed to be linked to and limited by satnav which could ensure nobody speeds. With your background you know how easy that would be to actually achieve. No need for speed cameras, and a lucrative tax disappears!
It's coming soon, along with automatic braking.
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