Wadkin RU lathe


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Established Member
1 Dec 2008
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Had the opportunity today to have a look around the workshop of Wests of East Dean near Chchester, a very trad joinery and furniture making business. They have lots of machinery from Wadkin, Sedgwick and other makes up to rather more recent SCM stuff, but nothing digital. But the machine that really astonished me was a Wadkin RU (30 from the machine plate) which the owneer told me he had bought for a mere £350 some years ago. Not sure how many years but it must have been less than 20 because they had a fire 19 years ago which destroyed everything. What an amazing machine; the owner reckoned it could turn up to 11'6" between centres with the sliding bed able to extefd this by about another 3 feet! No dobt this is not news to Wadkin afficionados but if you are interested in old British cast iron, do not pass up the opportunity to see one of these beasts if you ever get the chance. I wonder how many are left.

Having done a bit more googling I think what I was looking at on the very dirty machine plate was the serial number, so if it was no 30 I guess that makes it a pretty eary one.

...I think what I was looking at on the very dirty machine plate was the serial number, so if it was no 30 I guess that makes it a pretty eary one.
Except that (with just a few exceptions) Wadkin started their serial numbers at #105 (and I don't think the RU is one of those very few exceptions), so RU 105 would be the first production RU.

I don't suppose you have a photo of that plate?

Cheers, Vann.
Except that (with just a few exceptions) Wadkin started their serial numbers at #105 (and I don't think the RU is one of those very few exceptions), so RU 105 would be the first production RU.

I don't suppose you have a photo of that plate?

Cheers, Vann.
Sadly, no. I am one of those dinosaurs who doesn't have (or want) a smartphone and my ancient Nokia dumbphone lacks a camera. It does, however, have the advantage that you can leave it on a cafe table to reserve your place while queueing without fear of it being stolen, so the mystery of this magnificent machine's age is unlikely to be solved. Even so it was a real pleasure to see it and hear it running- quite loud.

...I am one of those dinosaurs who doesn't have (or want) a smartphone...
I have a lot of sympathy with that stance. I refused a cellphone until my wife insisted that she be able to contact me should an earthquake like the 2011 Christchurch ones, hit us here in Wellington (built on many faultlines).

I hate using my cellphone, preferring the landline and the PC. But I have to begrudgingly admit the convenience when away from home, or when I don't have a camera handy, is a plus.

So if you should happen to be going past again, just pop your camera in your bag please... ;)

Cheers, Vann.

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