I would like to glean your knowledge and experience if I may.
I am a hobbyist & work mainly with veneers, creating parquetry designs, and thus use alot of veneer tape.
Over the last couple of days I have glued a multi coloured dyed veneer design to a jewellery box lid and when It came to removing the tape, it is clear that there is still alot of the tape adhesive on the veneer. (Dont know if veneer tape has a shelf life, but havent experienced this amount of residue previously)
I dont want to sand the veneers, as I know from past experience, that coloured veneers can appear muddy when they are sanded.
For info: I have used a bog standard interior grade PVA to glue the design to the substrate.
My initial idea was to use Meths or another solvent to remove the adhesive, but thought I would ask the question here first.
Many thanks in advance
I would like to glean your knowledge and experience if I may.
I am a hobbyist & work mainly with veneers, creating parquetry designs, and thus use alot of veneer tape.
Over the last couple of days I have glued a multi coloured dyed veneer design to a jewellery box lid and when It came to removing the tape, it is clear that there is still alot of the tape adhesive on the veneer. (Dont know if veneer tape has a shelf life, but havent experienced this amount of residue previously)
I dont want to sand the veneers, as I know from past experience, that coloured veneers can appear muddy when they are sanded.
For info: I have used a bog standard interior grade PVA to glue the design to the substrate.
My initial idea was to use Meths or another solvent to remove the adhesive, but thought I would ask the question here first.
Many thanks in advance