Tyzack tools


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Established Member
7 Jun 2011
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I don't think I have ever seen this company ever mentioned on here before but I have to say that I wanted to buy an item that was available via a company that does get mentioned here but it was over £4 dearer plus postage I purchased it from Tyzack via their ebay shop and saved over £7 on an item that was around £20.
I will not name the other seller because if they can sell it at their price that's fine by me but I would recommend anybody to look at Tyzack to see I they sell the item you want I would say that the service I got was spot on.

I do like Tyzack tools. I used to walk past their shop quite often. They had a great selection of japanese and veritas tools in the window.
I've used them a few time too.
I had one order get lost in the post and they sent a replacement out without any bother, so I consider them one of the good 'uns.
They have a shop on Kingsland Rd, Hoxton. I love a tool shop and they are few and far between so I called in while passing a while ago. Very disappointed felt that they didn't want me there, hovering around on my shoulder, while I browsed (they may have a problem with shop lifting) left quickly. Shame almost certainly would have bought a few bits they had some good stuff.

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