Traditional cut roofer needed

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3 Sep 2012
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United Kingdom
Hello. I am looking for a traditional cut roofer to construct all the trusses and purlings on site for an existing outbuilding (garage) which is taking off the flat roof at 2.5m and raising it into a pitch crown roof with a flat in the centre (4m at the peak). Does anyone know anyone who would take this sort of work on, struggling to find anyone in the NW London area.
willow5":3l04prx8 said:
Hello. I am looking for a traditional cut roofer to construct all the trusses and purlings on site for an existing outbuilding (garage) which is taking off the flat roof at 2.5m and raising it into a pitch crown roof with a flat in the centre (4m at the peak). Does anyone know anyone who would take this sort of work on, struggling to find anyone in the NW London area.

Your terminology is slightly off. A cut roof is built in situ (ie individual rafters are lifted into place, then purlins [no "g"] and ties, braces etc are fitted afterwards. A truss is normally thought of as pre-made at ground level then lifted into place wholesale. I've never heard of a crown roof, and I design rooves every day of the week.

As to your question, any jobbing carpenter can build your roof. I don't know anything about how things are within London, but out here your best bet would be to approach a local builder rather than trying to appoint a carpenter directly yourself. As you need builder's work doing as well as the carpentry, (ie removing the existing roof), and possibly felt and battening the completed structure, then you really do need a builder.

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