throat irritation for over a month ...

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Established Member
15 Aug 2007
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Thurrock, Essex
OK I normally use my dust mask about 90% when I'm in my garage and 99% when I use any power tool. but I got his throat irritation for over a month. I have been working a lot with MDF in the last few week.

Last Saturday I wast wearing the mask start to finish but also I feel some nauseas so I stop the garage.

Today I booked and apointment with my GP maybe he can recomend me some antiallergic pills or any other magic pills :D.

I just bought a new mask just in case my 3M 6000 series was faulty. (which I regurally change the filters)

this happend to someone in any time or is just me :?
I got seriously ill from breathing in yew dust (from a very dry yew log) a couple of years back (taxine poisoning - not to be recommended) - the trouble is that the air masks are only rated to stop 98% of particulates (95% with the old ones) and with some woods even 2% is enough to cause irriation or worse.

the only answer , beyond not working with those woods, is to use a full face sealed respirator but these are expensive and uncomfortable to wear for long periods. or to accept the discomfort and use the magic pills of course.
I think you need to assume you have had an allergic response to the dust.
This is often made worse by repeated exposures - you say you have been working MDF over a number of weeks. Masks like yours, reduce the amount breathed in but neither are they totally efficent and I guess you were not using them every moment there was MDF dust in the air.

The Doc's pills are going to relieve the symtoms not the cause. Be aware that continued inhaliation is likely to increase the sensitisation you might have to this dust.

View what's happened as a warning & look at ways of significantly reducing the dust at source. Any dust mask should be seen as a last line of defence NOT the only one.
andy, have a read of Safety & Health Links HERE, specifically the Why and How... & Wood Hazard Info....