Masking Tape Experiment

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niall Y

Established Member
1 Nov 2018
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Have just bought some rolls of masking tape, for a project I'm working on. - a bed/kitchen unit for a camper van. It uses lightweight ply with a ready finished face, so I have to tape up before applying markings.of any sort. I had finished up my existing rolls, hence the need for new stock.

At a certain point in the past, getting the tape off the rolls, without it tearing ,started to become a problem . Sometimes from new, but always after a few months of storage. The rolls I have recently finished, I had adapted by applying strips of the tape, itself, to the outsides of each roll. It was then trimmed around the circumference with a pair of scissors, to tidy things up.

It was an experiment, born out of the sheer exasperation at having to throw away yet another roll. And, I am pleased to say, that after over a year in my workshop, the tape was still peeling away, without any problem. So, I have doctored my four, new, rolls of tape, in the hope that they too, will last a reasonable length of time.
Have had the same issues myself, even though the roll could have been purchased only the day before there is no telling how long it may have been sitting around in the store/shop. I will try your method and hope for the best next time i need to use the stuff:)
I put the tape in a container or Zip-lock bag when not using it. A buddy tosses it in a microwave to soften the glue to get the last of it to work. I'll give your taping a try. Main thing is keeping the rolls from drying out.

I put the tape in a container or Zip-lock bag when not using it. A buddy tosses it in a microwave to soften the glue to get the last of it to work. I'll give your taping a try. Main thing is keeping the rolls from drying out.

I've had the good stuff, that comes in its own box, and this lasts a reasonable amount of time. A lot more expensive, of course. This wasn't an issue years ago.
I used to use masking tape a lot at college ( all those hard edged paintings) way back in the 70's, and there was no hint of a problem, then. The problem seems to have arisen when it started being imported from the Far -east. Probably a cheaper product to maximise importers profits, and a long time in transit, in far from Ideal conditions.

I've just chucked out on old unusable roll so I'll rescue it from the bin and try your microwave trick
Why does masking tape & glue always stick better to ones fingers than what one is trying to stick? (Well it does on me) One would think the natural oils would prevent this happening. Why doesn't the blue & green tapes stick to themselves? The green 'Kermit' in particular - I only tried it once then binned it - definitely useless on vehicles.
At a certain point in the past, getting the tape off the rolls, without it tearing ,started to become a problem .
Its because of moisture ingress.
I keep mine at home ( central heating ) a lot of the time and try ti remember to take it to work when im likely to need it.
If you put masking tape on glass or a window frame etc, wet it and leave it to dry, the glue seems to get stronger and its impossible to remove properly. I found this years ago working with a plasterer. If we took it off quickly after he'd skimmed, it was fine. Leave it on and you are pineapple'd
Middle of Lidl is selling 3M masking tape at the moment (well not this exact moment they are closed till tomorrow).
I find this is mostly a problem on "cheap and nasty" (for want of a better description) tape.
The blue 3m stuff, Frog tape and the Kleenedge are much less prone to do it. The eurocell white one and the tessa seem prone to it.
I am currently using the yellow Q1 brand from a car paint shop which has not done it yet.


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