Eye opening experience


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I struggle to believe there's a whole industry that are set up to exploit older people. It's almost dystopian on a Sci fi level.
Yes there is without question they're out there looking for easy pickings and I saw it many times when I was called in to rectify some of the bodging.

Closer to home before my widowed mother in law moved into a car home she lived in a retirement bungalow in a wealthy area which is constantly targetted by these people. she was len in her late eighties. Because of our close contact we were able to stop a number of attempts as she was gullible enough to allow people into her home with the hard sell, she even signed up for roof work that wasn't needed but we got that stopped because we had power of attorney and paid the bills but had to threaten them. It worked well because we got a local Bobby (remember them?) involved and he was in the house when the so called manager turned up but scarpered after a stern lecture on intimidation and possible prosecution. His face was a picture. :ROFLMAO:
Just look at the cynicism involved in the capt Tom debacle. These folks weren't poor they lived in a huge house. They weren't scrumping an apple this was huge. Just to tie this in I believe the s-i-l was involved in double figure businesses.
Sadly the world is full of charlatans. Much of this thread has dealt with those exploiting the elderly - charging an excessive price for either substandard or unnecessary work.

The practice is not confined to itinerant roofers and driveway specialists.

There are plenty of "white collar" folks behaving in precisely the same way - selling an overpriced illusion, playing upon our fears, making carefully structured unsubstantiated claims etc.

We don't get so upset because they are a bit like us - a neighbour, talk nicely, dress smartly etc. We may even admire their acumen and economic success. Who/ what am I thinking of:
  • marketing and promotional professionals - promoting diet pills, vitamin supplements, snake oil remedies, etc
  • double glazing salesmen
  • potions to make your car run faster with better economy
  • lawyers and accountants charging outrageous sums to do the trivial and routine
  • life insurance, funeral plans
  • highly promoted brands - put a fancy label on a mediocre product and double the price
They are certainly not all bad - but many simply exploit our naivety, concerns and ignorance!
My parents fell for a window scam and lined themselves up for quite a few grand in new windows. Mum mentioned it to me in passing.

I contacted the window company and had an argument with them, cancelled work and got their deposit back by having a chat with the credit card company. The bloke round the village make a few replacement glazing units and he fitted them for a **** of a lot less money and they still look good.

They were told they needed the whole house done and they signed up, I couldn't believe they fell for such an obvious scam.
Sadly the world is full of charlatans. Much of this thread has dealt with those exploiting the elderly - charging an excessive price for either substandard or unnecessary work.

The practice is not confined to itinerant roofers and driveway specialists.

There are plenty of "white collar" folks behaving in precisely the same way - selling an overpriced illusion, playing upon our fears, making carefully structured unsubstantiated claims etc.

We don't get so upset because they are a bit like us - a neighbour, talk nicely, dress smartly etc. We may even admire their acumen and economic success. Who/ what am I thinking of:
  • marketing and promotional professionals - promoting diet pills, vitamin supplements, snake oil remedies, etc
  • double glazing salesmen
  • potions to make your car run faster with better economy
  • lawyers and accountants charging outrageous sums to do the trivial and routine
  • life insurance, funeral plans
  • highly promoted brands - put a fancy label on a mediocre product and double the price
They are certainly not all bad - but many simply exploit our naivety, concerns and ignorance!
Car insurance, utility companies, phone + broadband all make a killing unless you regularly switch..
Got to have your wits about you with most things.

My car was due a service last month, standard "B" service which is basically oil and filter change but also brake fluid change so simple and quick. I use a local trusted garage these days but always check the main dealers out of interest. Mercedes Newcastle quoted £785.67, Edinburgh/Coldsteam main dealer was nearly £110 cheaper (always are) I got it done using the correct parts and fluids for £218 and that was by experience well trained mechanics not the trainee kids the main dealers use for simple tasks.
Robbery by any other name.
The Irish Travelers supposedly have Their own city in Florida where They have their own rules and cannot be prosecuted. It makes the news every couple of years.
Got to have your wits about you with most things.

My car was due a service last month, standard "B" service which is basically oil and filter change but also brake fluid change so simple and quick. I use a local trusted garage these days but always check the main dealers out of interest. Mercedes Newcastle quoted £785.67, Edinburgh/Coldsteam main dealer was nearly £110 cheaper (always are) I got it done using the correct parts and fluids for £218 and that was by experience well trained mechanics not the trainee kids the main dealers use for simple tasks.
Robbery by any other name.
We have the same experience. We’ve had Audis (one each until my wife joined me in retirement last year) for over 20 years. We always buy them from the main dealer and any warranty work done by them. When it comes to servicing and out of warranty work we have a local garage that specialises in “German” cars and their rates are about a third at least of the Audi dealer. We’ve saved a fortune over the years and their work is every bit as good.

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