Thieves 2

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Established Member
23 Jan 2006
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As i said on Mailees thread i too was visited by scumbags
and i was unlucky to lose some tools.
Some of what i lost include:-
Wood Chisels
Electric Plane
2 Battery Drills 14.4
2 Pullsaws
1 Block Plane
1 Jack Plane
Turning Chisels
Lathe Chuck
Screw Chuck
Dremel type tool
Router and Bits
Plus other bits and pieces which i cant remember as i have'nt the heart to look any more.
All of these were the cheapest tools i could afford, and unfortunately
as i'm not insured it will be a long time before i can replace them.
Some of you ( Byron,Ian and Mickster) have graciously offered to try and help me out, and i thank you from the bottom of my heart, but i can't even raise the cash for the postage costs and with x-mas around the corner i can't expect you good people to do it.
Cheers Kevin. :oops:
Really sorry to hear that. Get it boarded up and get yourself well as your first priority. I'm sure tools can be replaced over time, but your health cannot.

Once you are well, maybe you can trawl a few car boot sales. Plenty of old hand tools going cheap, and they aren't as "resellable" although sounds like they did take all they could carry.

As Adam said,Kevin - health first,tools second.
Having said that,I have a set of chisels and a router you are more than welcome to have (cheap,but brand new - must confess to being a bit of a tool magpie when out shopping :wink: )
I live in Darlington and work in Thornaby,and visit my daughter in Newcastle at least once a month - sure we can sort out a meet somewhere.
PM me if interested.

Kevin, I have a B&Q Rotary tool (like the dremel) that i've not used for about 3 years, I'll have a look and see if it's still in working order and if it is i'll post it over to you. Can you send me your address via PM.

I've also got a spare japanese pull-saw that you are welcome to.

I have a few spare planes, a number 4 and 5 and a block which I could get to you. They are not wonderful but could be pressed into service. Let me if you want them (all or some).

Let me know what chisels Powertool has for you. I have a few stanleys knocking around that are surplus to requirements.

Let us know the full list of whats gone and I am due to move and have a number of things not used in years.

Kevin, sorry to hear about your misfortune. I have written some comments on the other thread about crime and how no one seems to want to do anything about it but that ain't gonna help you right now :(

I agree, get yourself back to good health that's the No.1 priority, then think about tools. I'm sorry I'm a long way from you so I can't really help and my tools are all old anyway :roll:
I have an old electric plane (not sure how sharp) and my Black and Decker Wizard (Dremmel equivalent) is broken but it has some tools/bits that could probably be used in another rotary tool thing. There's probably other stuff kicking around, but I won't really know until I relocate from the garage into the shed (hopefully within the next month)

I have work colleagues that live in Sunderland so drop off shouldn't be too much of an issue.

I am afraid that I have little to offer except my commiserations but I have to say that the response on this thread is what his forum is all about.

Pete =D>
I am truly gobsmacked by the generosity of the members
on u.k. workshop forums, i will never forget the people on
here who are the simply the best bunch of folk it has ever been
my pleasure to mix with.
I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.
I've just heard the funeral is in Barry,South Glamorgan on monday
morning so i'll be heading down in the early hours of sunday morning
and travelling back on tuesday evening. I'll give all a little wave as i pass by. :)
Once again thanks. Kevin. :wink:

If you manage to wave to me you'll be completely and totally lost :lol: Even the Post man can't find me sometimes, but I get your drift and just want to say that I also think UKW is a good place to be.

There have been threads in the past from people wanting to muddy the waters and start arguing and so forth. I can't see the logic in that and I'm relieved to see that civility has returned to this board as demonstrated by your post.
Losos, i get lost all the time :lol: , but that way i discover more of our beautiful country that i would never see. :wink:
And you're right about this forum, it's nice to be nice. :wink:

If you are travelling between South Wales and Sunderland you must pass through the Midlands somewhere. How will you be travelling?

I have three planes boxed up ready to be posted to you. If you are in a car and passing then maybe you could break the journey, have a cup of coffee and pick them up. At least that way we know they will arrive safely.

Just a thought. If you are passing and could pick them up, can you let me know before tomorrow midday as thats when I will head off to the Post Office.

Bob, i go across country to Tebay, M6 to M52 then down through mid Wales, my wife hates motorways and i have provisional license so we try to get her driving over with at night when it's fairly quiet and then i take over. :wink:
Apologies to all for resurecting this thread, but i must give my heartfelt thanks to Bob. S. for his very generous gesture, thanks Bob from the bottom of my heart. I hope one day to repay your generosity. :wink:
I've not forgotten either Kev, just haven't sorted my stuff out yet (only just moved some old cabinets into the shed, not yet hung them)

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