The Seaton chest

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I can't add anything corneel apart from how good reading Jim's stuff is. He has a real passion for it.
As Jim says in his excellent article, it was a TATHS event, organised as part of the Annual Conference.

There are some more pictures on the TATHS Facebook page and in the Chairman's report on the website.

It was a great day!
I suppose it was a matter of "you should have been there". Th epictures of the saws are really enlightening. They are so much niceer then I thought they were. Those delicate rims of the horns. I feel an urge to start another round of saw making again...
Sorry Corneel...guilty as charged...but happy to see the unique trip is being read as far as the antipodes!

Between my scribblings for WK FineTools...whittling and restoring...and stargazing...I seem to have run out of time!

Glad you enjoyed the article though.

Thanks for the article. A good read.
Can't help feeling a bit sorry for Seaton Sr., though.
I like the way Skelton follows Kenyon design and take it to the 21st Century
The new saw is more like this kenyon than the ones Seaton bought:


(sold on ebay a few years ago. I've got the permission of both, buyer and seller to use the pistures.)
More here
and a scan here: http://pedder-altedamenauskiel.blogspot ... enyon.html

I allays wanted to make a copy of that but instead I'd buy a Skelton.

Derek, Andrew's clearly saws weren't the model. You should look closer before statin such things. Even some of Andres saws look familiar, the work was done a few decades ago.
