The Jet Workshop

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi all

I think it's time that I announced the Jet workshop.

For all of you thinking of building your own workshop, forget all of that. Those nice people from Jet will put up a log cabin, complete with extraction and machines all for a very reasonable 10,000 GBP.

From memory you get a 5x4m cabin with nine machines.

This will be available in the next two months.

Neil, 10,000 whats?

Okay, so am I the only one wondering whether:
a) I should laugh as this is a joke
b) Say "I suppose this is in the States"
c) Start working out if it's worth trying to raise 10,000 whatevers (dollars would be preferable in the current economic climate) and find space for a 5x4m cabin in the garden... :lol:

Details please, Neil. :?

Cheers, Alf
Hi Alf

Firstly, let me state, THIS IS NOT A JOKE.

It is 10,000 GBP/Pounds/Sterling etc etc.

USD not accepted unless at the normal conversion rate of 1:1, hence 20,000 USD. (That is a joke)

It will be available in the UK. The only exception being Cornwall, as they don't want the cabin to slide down any slippery slopes. :wink:

Good lord. D'you think anyone will take 'em up on it? Will they do the 'leccy stuff too? Will it be insulated? Heated? So many questions... :? Where'd you hear about this anyway?

Amazed, Alf
Hi Alf

Alf":32zdgbws said:
Good lord. D'you think anyone will take 'em up on it? Will they do the 'leccy stuff too? Will it be insulated? Heated? So many questions... :? Where'd you hear about this anyway? Amazed, Alf

I heard about it at Ally Pally when talking to one of the Jet people. My recollection is that it would have the electrics pre-installed and you would have to run power to it. I'd think it would be insulated, but I'm not sure.

Do you want to place your order now? :wink:

Oh for 10 grand and somehwere big enough to plonk it :)

I eventually managed to work out what size it is, Neil, and realised I have more than that already :shock: Mind you 10,000 smackeroonies would go a long way towards fixing its deficiencies... :D

Right then, who's going to make a telly program based round using one of these ready to go workshops? It's not too silly a size, and the machines would all be available over here. Good idea, or no?

Cheers, Alf
Hi Neil,

you're not the only on who's heard this from Jet. I heard it at the Axminster show from one the Jet men but assumed he was taking the michael!

Hmm, a jet shed....sounds as ridiculous and as likely as an EasyShed or a Virgin shed.

Hi Dave

Dave":q3uv16fh said:
Hi Neil, you're not the only on who's heard this from Jet. I heard it at the Axminster show from one the Jet men but assumed he was taking the michael!

I got the impression they were deadly serious.

Hi Alf

Alf":3jjxbbsl said:
Right then, who's going to make a telly program based round using one of these ready to go workshops? It's not too silly a size, and the machines would all be available over here. Good idea, or no?

An excellent idea. At least they'd have to use a saw that was actually available in the UK and that would be a first. :roll:


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