Tendotools equipment


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Established Member
17 May 2007
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I have just sold my Kity 2000 combi and I am looking for separate machines - tablesaw P/t & spindle.
Tendotools (belguim) seem to do a good range at reasonable prices ( they will easily takes 20+% of website/catalogue prices). Does anyone have any practical experience with this range? It does seem that some of their tools are copies of - or vice versa - tools of other manufacturers. For example Tendo table saw TT1250 pull & Travel is a dead ringer for the Fox/Delta F36529 table saw: the Tendo spindle is similar to the Holtzpro MX5110T inclinable spindle. Anyone having experience of these look alikes will also be most welcome to give their views.
For anyone interested - my experience with the KIty 2000 was generally good but I did find it a little underpowered and a #@&* to do any maintenance on - try changing out the p/t drive belt!!!
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Best regards
Welcome to the forum peebsa24.

I've considered Tendotools for their combination machine a while back. The machines seem good value for money but just seeing a piece of kit on the internet or in a showroom gives little information about accuracy and durability. I've found little reviews or user experience with these machines on the net. Some say the machines are fine other say they are unsafe chinese import machines, one even stated having to rebuild the machines to be able to do any work on it, which sounds very ridicules to me.

I'm not going for Tendotools. I've chosen Jet for my jointer, thickner and lathe. In the near future i will upgrade my tablesaw to Jet also. The reasons for my choice are the lack of long run user experience and the fact that Jet/Powermatic/WHM have been a long time on the market and most probably will remain there a long time.
Many thanks for your reply. Tendo claim that their machines are "made" in Belguim using some imported parts just like most other manfacturers. I too have had difficulty in finding actual users on the net.
I have heard a lot of positives about Jet but because i live in France I have been unable to find anyone who carries them. Do you happen to have a webite or telephone number for Jet themselves, or even the full name and location for the actual manufacturer? I assume Jet is a trade name manufactured by XYZ machine Tool Co or such like.
Going back to Tendo for a minute. Their TT1250 Push & Travel saw is an exact copy of the F36529 Fox saw. I don't which one of them make it or even if they both buy it from a third party. The same is true for one of their spindles - it is identical to a Holtzprofi MX5110T but again I am not sure who actually makes it.
Best regards,
The WMH tool group is behind the Jet brand. They have a dealer search facility on their site, they seem to have 3 dealers in France.

As for Tendotools most of their kit seem copies of other manufacturers. Instead of developing a complete new machine they copy a good machine and reduce their overall cost doing so. I do not know if they (need to) pay any royalties, patents or anything. Copying a good design doesn't have to produce a good copy, that depends on used materials and setting and meeting production tolerance goals. At sight the machines seem fine but doesn't say everything as actually doing a few projects on the kit.

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