Startrite TA275 and DC added

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Established Member
31 Dec 2011
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Purchased the startrite in the summer and have been to busy to get the DC sorted out and a little lacking in funds. Recently I bought the wall numatic 750 from a forum member a week or so ago. Already have the NVD 750 and think it's great, that mainly runs my hand tool hose, ts55, domino and sanders etc. MIDI runs the kapex.
TS is now taken care off, a little rushed in the doing perhaps (1hrs). Will get a bigger flexi hose for crown guard and some draft excluders for the openings of the TS. But so I like it and it's a massive improvement! Previously it would just below out of the lower opening where the ply panel now is and go everywhere. Still not hoovered up properly from when it had no DC, just a quick sweep.
In the main it's just 68mm guttering and an old numatic hose (going to swap this out). Where larger mets small etc, it's just a very snug fit of ply and gaffer tape. Larger hole then smaller hole.
I like it so far... Massively improved on before, well worth £30 (Upvc) and an hour of my Sunday.
I love the saw its great. Paid £1k fully refurbished and all new motors and switches running on 240v 16amp. Still need to get a sub fence squared away rather than a piece of buckshee Oak.
Comments most certainly welcome.
Excuse the mess... Cleaner comes on a Monday
