Safe dados????? or why you need push sticks

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Get better soon, Tony.
That is nasty!!
I must make a careful note to be very aware of what I am doing whenever I cut a piece of wood: whatever the tool involved.
Best wishes.

Hi Tony
That sounds pretty rough.
I hope you heal nice and quick. Its not a lot of fun with all that dressing on.
By the way I hope the wood is not too badly stained.

All the best

All the best, Tony.

My grandad had the end of his finger missing. don't know how, but he was a pattern-maker, so I guess it was some sort of woody prang.

He also had his cap split open by an exploding grinding wheel. He was the shortest man in the workshop, they reckoned if it had happened to anyone else they would have got it right between the eyes.

You'll have to keep in DT practice with your other hand!

Get well soon.
Hello Tony,

Sorry to hear about your accident, hope everything goes OK.
I know what you mean when you said "no pain", I popped my finger into my table saw just over 12 months ago, :shock: :shock: cut a slot in my right forefinger about half inch deep. No pain, no blood thought I had got away with it.
Then I took a closer look and thought I had better go and consult the wife as it looked quite deep,still no pain, no blood, but after another few minutes I had both pain and blood.

I don't normally use a push stick but on this occasion I didn't feel quite comfortable with what I was going to do so I placed the push stick on the table and started to saw. As my fingers neared the blade I took my eyes off what I was doing to reach for the stick and the next thing I knew was standing looking at the slot I had cut in the end of my finger.

It was ages before I was able to wash up ,hoover and the like, although I was able to do a little woodwork (for therapeutic reasons of course :D :D :D )

Get well soon


Sorry to hear about your accident hope you get well soon, I think there but for the grace of god go not only I but all of us.

Best wishes.

Get well soon Tony, a cabinetmaker told me that until one lost a piece of finger you didn't qualify as a craftsman,Congratulations.

Hi Tony

I am so sorry to hear what has happened.

When the loml recently lost the top of her finger in a car door, the plastic surgeons were amazing. The most important part of the healing is when you get to the therapy stage. Sheila now has full function in the finger.

All the very best,
It hurts just to read your account - my sympathies mate and best wishes for a speedy 100% recovery.

It is pretty sobering to read something like that from an experienced woodworker who is concerned about safety - I shall make darn sure my safety aids are at hand next time I'm using machinery!
Get well soon Tony and thanks for posting. I was brave enough to follow the link and I am glad there are no pre-operative photos. I guess you will not be touch typing for a while.

Having experienced two finger accidents recently I know how you must be feeling. Overnight in hospital makes yours worse than any of mine.

I recommend the next time you visit the workshop you somehow have got the misses out on a shopping trip, they seem to have bad flashbacks on workshop accidents.

I must always now use a push stick on the router table.
I must always now use a push stick on the router table.
I must always now use a push stick on the router table.
I must always now use a push stick on the router table.
I must always now use a push stick on the router table.
So woodworking's starting to make a real impression on you then Tony :twisted:

Hope you feel better soon mate, and can get back into your shop. In the meantime if there is anything I or my workshop can do to help, just send a pm.

Sounds (and looks) awful, Tony :shock: - get well soon. Must admit I find making rebates on the router table quite scary and this has reminded me to make the guard I've been planning.

I guess now isn't the time to remind you of this post - if Mrs. T remembers then you might find a load of forum members going through your bin in the morning! :lol:

Hell Tony, take it easy man. If you need any help with the offending cutter I have a sledge hammer at my disposal.

Best wishes for a good and speedy recovery

That sounds very painful Tony, I hope you make a quick recovery.
Soon after I built my router table I was trying out various techniques including cutting a dovetail slot in a long narrow strip of softwood. First pass was fine but when I turned the wood end-for-end and started a second pass, to centre the slot, the wood was ripped from my hand and thrown the length of the workshop. Although I tried to get the piece well centred to begin with I guess I was a bit off (and therefore making a climb cut?). I was lucky that the test piece was quite long and my hands were still well away from cutter but it certainly taught me to respect my new tool.

