Raised panel with a curve ?


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Sheffield Tony

Ghost of the disenchanted
2 Aug 2012
Reaction score
I'm designing something at the moment, which on a whim I drew with panelled sides, where the underside of the top rail of the frame, and the top of the raised panel, have a bit of a curve to give a slightly arched top. I hope you can visualise what I mean - sketchup is beyond me.

To make this, I'd need to groove a concave edge of the top rail - I think a similar requirement on the footboard of a bed was discussed here recently, and I'm happy with that. But how to make a raised panel with a curved top ? I've seen in old doors around at work plenty of mouldings that follow a curve. Are they carved by hand, done with a scratch stock, or with a very custom plane ?

[I know that if I had to, I could fairly easily do this with the router. But that's not the point :) ]
Yep, that picture near the top of the page is much what I'd like to achieve, but I'd like to do it by hand tools, if I can work out how.
sorry, i didn't read which forum it was in- I viewed unread posts. I have to bow out at this point then, due to not even knowing where to start
Thanks for that Andy, some quite useful tips in there; the cutting dividers amd using the router plane etc. I'll find time to watch some of the other episodes soon. Better than the average TV drivel !

I do think 'll give it a go, though what I want to do is thankfully a lot simpler than the door in the video - just a bit of a gentle arch to the top of the panel. Don't hold your breath for WIP photos though - I'm nursing a broken wrist at the moment (not woodworking related ...), so drawing up designs is my limit for a few more weeks :cry: