purpleheart colouring


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5 Mar 2008
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hi all,

i picked up some purple heart last week for a project and looked nice a bright purple but when i machined the faces its gone to a light brown, i have read in the past there are ways to bring the finished timber to a nice bright purple again

anyone done this and could advise me on the best method of getting the purple back,

Hi Deano,

As Paul says, a little daylight will bring out the shocking purple. The only problem is that a lot of daylight well eventually turn it brown again, D'Oh!!!

It's not as bad as Padauk though, that looses it's brightness a lot quicker in direct sunlight.


Just wait, the colour will deepen. Don't worry, build whatever you want and then let the colour sort itself out over time.
Sorry to drag this up again...
I have just had the same thing happen to me. I will try and leave it in the daylight to see if it goes back to purple again.
Does it matter what finish you put on it? I have put shellac sanding sealer on it for tonight but was not sure what would be best?
Daylight makes it go brown, not purple.

The insides of boxes go the deepest purple. Keep it away from direct sunlight where it will go a muddy brown and do keep it in artificial light for the best deep purple colouring.

Been using loads of this wood for last 3 years or so and it is one of my fav woods in boxes, but one of my least fav to work with!!
Thanks Tony. I have been working on a bowl for my other half but I am struggling with tear-out on the end grain! It is hard as nails, I seem to spend most of my time sharpening my chisels! Not a good wood for a beginner, but purple is my girlfriends favourite colour... at the moment the bowl is a lightish brown, hopefully it will turn back to purple soon.
Hang on to that girlfriend Sam, (my purple morning glory is a real beauty).
I use p/h a fair amount for decorative strips and the colour always returns to its former colour, left in daylight or indoors, perhaps its because I dont put the shellac on before its colour has returned.
having trouble with tearout bowl turning?
Try to have a look at Jimmy Clewes DVD's/Videos. See the type of grind on his bowl gouges and how he shear scrapes, even with dry wood.
It could be your answer. :lol:

John. B
I probably should get some instruction, read a book watch a DVD etc. It is only my second bowl, the first one turned out ok but it was sycamore (which was easy to work with).