This jig enables you to cut precisely dimensioned tenons on the table saw. It features a micro-adjustable side-fence assembly. If you have a table saw that can accommodate a dado set, you can cut tenons with it in a single pass. I understand that EU rules now prohibit dado sets in Europe; so I suppose you will have to make two passes with this jig, unless you want to get deported to Australia
If you want a copy of an article I wrote on the jig for the Australian Woodworker, e-mail me. I promise not to reveal your identity to the dado-set squad in MI5
http://community.webshots.com/photo/143 ... 8332mTgXUm
If you want a copy of an article I wrote on the jig for the Australian Woodworker, e-mail me. I promise not to reveal your identity to the dado-set squad in MI5
http://community.webshots.com/photo/143 ... 8332mTgXUm