Porch projecting above flat roof?


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John Brown

Freeloading Social media influenza
25 Sep 2008
Reaction score
Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire
My wife wants a porch.
Oak framed, preferably.
The problem is that our entrance hall has a flat roof at 8 ft or so.
The obvious solution is to have a simple lean-to, that slopes gently down from the roof level.
Is there an alternative? Has anyone ever seen a design of apex porch where the ridge is a couple of feet higher than a flat roof? I can't visualize anything, but then I'm a retired firmware coder, so what do I know?
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Drawings would help. Or pictures. The answer depends on things like whether the roof is flat and level, or flat and pitched. If pitched toward your proposed addition, you'll need extra work to drain water off where the roof hits the wall...at some point it stops being sensible to maintain the existing roof.
usually these things need some height to look owt like. definitely need more info. but Adam has the experience. I've done a few but simple stuff(by drill hammer and chisel(never again))
What's the width of the porch vs entrance hall roof?
We definitely need photos, as mentioned above, but my immediate thought was the same as @Jameshow ( assuming the widths are similar )
Surely this is principally a design issue in the first instance. An oak framed, pitched roof porch will look appropriate on the right building but may be wholly inappropriate on another. Photos would be helpful.

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