Ornithologists answer??


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Established Member
24 May 2007
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This one has puzzled and indeed concerned me.

Yesterday morning I was sitting alone with the windows and door open and realised it was deadly silent (8.00a.m) outside, to the extent I had to check the clock to see I hadn't got up 2 hours early. It was VERY odd.

This morning, exactly the same :shock: . Then it dawned on me, there was no bird song - not a blackbird, not a starling, literally, not a dickie bird. Ah - ah, thinks me, it's pouring down this morning, that MUST be the answer, but then remembered yesterday was quite fine and sunny!

It really is worrying me, or is there a simplistic answer??

Yours nailbitingly,

I think by 8.00am all the birdies have finished making their racket...doesn't it usually start at the first sign of dawn, which will be two or three hours earlier? - Rob
Its quiet here too MArk

Migration started yet? Too much "birds and the bees" action and their having a well deserved rest? Got their feet up with a cup of tea?
Simple answer?
All the birds have died. If you'd gone out yesterday you might have got some fresh for the pot but by now I wouldn't fancy eating them after a day and a bit on the ground.
Many of our birds come out early in the morning (blackbirds etc) feed themselves then go in and have a kip for a bit. Then they usually come out later in the evening. House Martins and Swallows are out and at it during the day but most of them have gone south for winter. Also birds sing more in the mating season, I think, but I'm not an expert.
I knew I could rely on UKW for comfort and consolation! Stevie B and Big Shot - ever thought of joining the Samaritans?? :wink: :wink:

Thanks all anyway.

I was trying to think up one of those witty, off the cuff remarks that's a bit edgy and close to "too far" but you laugh anyway, but I don't have it in me.

As it happens I did at one point. I have this problem with empathy, I've got too much of it and can't help getting emotionally involved in things - I don't think I would last 5 minutes with The Samaritans. I'd probably be a great help while I was there but I'd end up needing to call them myself.


Really though, it is a bit odd, I thought they'd been in fine voice around here but now I've ready post thread it does seem a lot quieter so I'm starting to wonder too...

...do I need to get a hearing test?
No birdies again this morning...... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: - and before you get a dig in BigShot, I've had my lugholes checked and I've got 20/20 hearing :wink:

I guess they all stayed in bed or fuffed off down South for the Winter as it's wet and windy yet again. Mind you, I don't blame them and feel like following them - we've had the wettest August in Cumbria for over a hundred years :shock: We had one night where TWICE the average precipitation for August fell in 24 hours. Rain and gloom is forecast for at least the next week - it really is dire. :cry: :cry:

Thanks all

Next post may be either from a clinic or Southern Spain :wink:

There are no birds singing this morning here in Mid Wales - but I don't actually blame them - it's been so horrible wet and windy here for the last few days :(

The birds *are* around though - all over my bird feeders - so they have food on their minds, rather than song. I felt rather sorry for the blue **** yesterday, clinging to the peanut feeders and pecking away despite being hammered by raindrops, some of which looked bigger than the blue **** were.

Maybe tekno.mage is onto something.
Could it be they are all just stuffing their faces before the long flight?

Not much in the way of birdsong here today either, but the trees are making so much noise in the wind I don't expect I'd hear them sing anyway.
It's o.k. Mark, the wind blew them all over to
this side of the Pennines, they should be back
when we get the next easterly winds. :lol:
Or i could fill up with beans, curry and lager
and give them a quick blast in your direction.
:oops: strain :oops: strain :oops: "Damn followed through." :lol:
Guess what...........? A bloody crow woke us up this morning!! :roll: :roll: :roll: I swear the little bu**er was cawing MARK, MARK :shock: :shock:

Mark :D
Waaaaahhheeeeyyyy - THEY'RE BACK :D :D . It's a glorious (but nippy) morning here oop North and I've spotted and heard Chaffs, Blackies, Crows, Rooks, Sparrows, a Swift and Collared Doves! :D. Either it was the weather or they were all on holiday :wink: It ceratainly lifts the spirits a bit of sunshine and birdsong.


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