Nick Westerman Bladed Marking Knife

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Established Member
12 Sep 2013
Reaction score
South Wales
After getting some flak with my last marking knife , made from an old chisel i thought i would buy a blade for my next version.After talking with Denab at the Yandles show decided to make one that is similar to the Lie-Nielson . So bought a very nice hand forged blade from Nick and some babinga .
Had a look in my scrap bucket for some bezel material and the only thing i could find that would be ok was an old brass handle.



The hole wasnt in the centre though

Drilled a 9.5 hole through and used the drill bit as support to hold the brass steady

Considering i used an old wood chisel to shape this up it came out ok after some sanding



wanted the same shape as an old style cabinet screwdriver that i found to be comfortable to hold




with the bezel on got the handle to the same diameter and burnished



wanted that nice oval shape so planed some flats and then set to it with the chisels and sand paper



waxed and polished with a mop

sharpened the tang of the blade cut a slot and drilled down into the handle a title and wacked it home

The advise on mounting the blade from Denab was to heat it up to red hot and just burn it into the handle , i didnt feel comfortable with that and thought it would maybe alter the temper of the blade .

Cheers Bern :D

I think a centre would have provided better support than the drill.

Nice bit of recycling =D>

Regards Mick
Good Lord. What a waste of a perfectly good old door handle. They can never be replaced you know.
Spindle":1094ooc5 said:

I think a centre would have provided better support than the drill.

Nice bit of recycling =D>

Regards Mick

Thanks Mick
still a bit green with turning and using what i have and not what should be used to get things done . I was chuffed when i managed to get the drill bit through without it catching and chucking it across the workshop ,so just left it there while i attacked it with an old chisel. I should mention i dont have a metal work lathe or tooling . I collect all the scrap from the jobs i do and weigh it in a couple of times a year , only had a limited supply to chose from as i weighed in for christmas .

Cheers Bern :D
Grahamshed":301eyj1t said:
Good Lord. What a waste of a perfectly good old door handle. They can never be replaced you know.
:lol: :lol:

I think that looks Stunning Bern, and if you do decide to make some for sale, I will be in the que for one =D> =D>
DannyEssex":1t9m1lgh said:
Grahamshed":1t9m1lgh said:
Good Lord. What a waste of a perfectly good old door handle. They can never be replaced you know.
:lol: :lol:

I think that looks Stunning Bern, and if you do decide to make some for sale, I will be in the que for one =D> =D>

Thanks Danny
I dont know if i would make these to sell but i may enter the secret santa thing if it runs this year and give somebody a chance of owning a few of the things i make. The purpose for me making these tools is to try and find the best tools that suite me for hand dovetailing , its a bit of an experiment that i have really enjoyed . I would like to make my own dove tail saw but i havent got a clue how to do it yet.

Cheers Bern :D
Nice job looks a lovely well made tool ! I bet youll enjoy picking up and using that over a shop bought version 8)
kernowjoiner24":39l4s9oe said:
Nice job looks a lovely well made tool ! I bet youll enjoy picking up and using that over a shop bought version 8)

Thanks i have a David Baron knife which i like for delicate work but find the blade flexes and wanders on softwood and i am looking for something with a stiffer blade that maybe will perform better .

Cheers Bern :D
Love the things you make should start a you tube channel (if you haven't already ) your pieces are very marketable also.

rspsteve":ryvycmze said:
Love the things you make should start a you tube channel (if you haven't already ) your pieces are very marketable also.


Thanks Steve
No you tube channel but i would love to have a go at making a Frank Howorth type film that would be cool ,love his stuff.

Cheers Bern :D

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