Newbie router station WIP

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3 Sep 2006
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Hi guys, I'm a total newbie at woodworking, but here's the WIP of my first creation. Haven't got the room for a permanent router bench, so it's a flip up. Framework is welded Dexion racking, struts are 20mm square steel tube. Top is 3-1/2 by 2-1/2ft, 2 sheets 18mm MDF laminated both sides, edged in Iroko. 110V Freud FT2000 going into it.
I've still got to finish the edging, plumb in dust extraction (Record RSDE1 with a 0.5micron filter). finish the fence and build a NVR switch!!! Why oh why can't i buy a 110V NVR switch rated to 2000W?


That's brilliant!!! I've been thinking about taking over half of the garage as extra space, and that looks like just what I need to do.

Excellent work!


Nice looking table.
If that was in my shop I would make a hardboard cover to clip on when its stored, to stop the top getting marked by other things falling on to it, but then I still have to much 'stuff' in there. :whistle:
NVR for 110 volt would need huge contacts to handle the high current drawn by the tool. :(
Hi daz,

Can't you use a normal 240 volt NVR and have it switch off the step down transformer that I assume you will be using.

Love the idea of a folding table :D

Yep, now have a nasty looking hardboard cover for it. Top laminate in front of the track has been relpaced once as it got damaged. Quite lucky as a mate gave me 1/2 a sheet and i had just enough left. When I found out the price of it I nearly **** myself (£100 per full sheet Polyrey P066 pearlescent white).
NVR hopefully wont be a problem, Radio Spares do 110v relays/switches/contactors over and above what I need. If all else fails the I'll put a 230V NVR before the transformer.
What a great idea!

There aren't many woodworking machines I'd have thought would be light enough to stay put in this kind of set up, but router tables (even with the router fixed) are pretty lightweight in comparison.

If I didn't already own a router table (and three routers!), I'd go for a set up like this. Certainly saves you bench space, above or below, for storing the thing.

You may want to just search either eBay (US) or places like Rockler. They often have US (110v) accessories like that for ridiculously low prices (compared to UK pricing).

I've not tried a 110v NVR between the "big yellow box" and my 110v kit, but will just after Christmas, so I'll let you know how I get on. Both the "big" routers are from the States.

In any case, the US stuff is so inexpensive, it more than makes up for the shipping. Here's a hint... if the value is listed as less than £17, HM Customs couldn't care less. More than that, and you can add customs plus a hefty £20-50 "fee" for their trouble.

The wall hinge is just such a great idea. Now, to get it set to the same height as my Kity 419.

Thanks, Jim
Ah, well the fence is in the R&D phase at the moment. It's going to go one of two ways: if it works as I hope you'll all want one, or if it doesn't it's going on the bonfire before anyone sees it. Watch this space.
Another question:

What plate did you use. Is it 'flat' or one of the 'crowned' ones?
The plate is a Jessem "Mast R Plate" and its totally flat. Bought it from Rutlands, but doesn't look like they still sell them. Originally was going to fit a phenolic one, until I realized that most of them are bent/warped (even though the manufacturers called them crowned!). Who wants a bent plate in a flat table I ask you? Also IMHO the levelling system on this plate is superb, with 12 screws to adjust.
