New excallibar 802

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Established Member
25 Jan 2006
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WELL WELL, i am surprised, anyone not picked up on woodfords new saw.
The 802, by what i have read there was an old one and this is a new version.

it is only 27" X 20" so if like me and have a small shop it is perfect it can go in a corner, do all those great joints with a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, cast iron top with steel extentions, i think it solves my problems why import with this practicly on my door step?

i think i may have to get me self one of those. shoosh.........cant tell anyone i am ment to be saving for a car, temptation,temptation,temptation. 'dooh'
I bougt the 805 last week which has a LHS cast wing and a sliding table on the RHS. They are very impressive, I am building mine at the mo and it is built like a brick out house 8) .

Picked mine up to save the £50 postage, it comes broken down in a cardboard box and will fit into an estate car just fine but weighs 105Kg so a two man lift.
did you see an 802 up there?

i am still a little unsure whether i should go for an 804 or the new 802 the 802 is nice but the 804 has a nice big fence, cast table, and looks more stable, but it is very big.

would you mind putting some pics up on here of you assembling it.


by the way i am not going to pay £70 for delivery, also i know what delivery men are like they want to be in and out as quickly as possible no matter what the cost may be.

They had both the 804 and 802 setup. The 804 has 50" rails, 2 cast iron wings and a massive fence, lovely but way too big for my single garage.

I am half way through the assemble but will take some tonight and post them after.

Re delivery, the box it is in is not that strong unless palleted there is a risk of damage, in fact I believe someone on this form had a damaged pulley on delivery.
they are belt driven i know but does the motor stick out the back still?

also what model is better? 804-805 i have looked on woodfords website and the only difference is the key switch.

cant wait to see the pictures.
The 804 has 50" rails, 2 cast iron wings and a massive fence, lovely but way too big for my single garage.

Like this one


My 804 came with 30" rails but the same fence.
If it is possible can you post a few pics of the sliding table.


Well here are some pics.

Progress thus far

Where the blade will go:

The mech inside

The Fence and rails, not mounted yet

Motor and Guard

A few more bits to fit

I am fitting the sliding table tonight so maybe a pic later on.

Oh and the newer 804 has the motor not stuck out so far, the 805 and 802 are still pretty far out but as you can see not fitted yet. Also the fence on the newr 804 is not like sawdust producers any more it is more like a large alu extrusion but very meaty still.
The intructions when it comes to fitting the pulley/belt cover are priceless (at least on my 805)...

I'm glad I went for the 805, I used the sliding table a hell of a lot. The only thing I'm not so impressed with is the measure pointer on the fence pointing predominantly toward the imperial measurements. The metric on the far side of the rule is less easy to align accurately. However, I have a plan... I propose to score a line across a magnifying glass and fix it over the pointer hole.
i was and still am drewling all over them pictures, i want one and i want it now.

anyway thanks for the pics they make choosing so much more helpfull it would be nice if the manufactures done that :wink: :wink: :wink:

Piccies of sliding table, getting dark so not as clear, sorry.

general pic

full extension both directions.

matt":1ipjspfd said:
The intructions when it comes to fitting the pulley/belt cover are priceless (at least on my 805)...

Hi Matt

You are not blimin wrong :shock:
Good job I am mechanically minded - instructions are not obvious at all and miss whole bits out, you are somehow supposed to identify washers and nuts in a small blurred B/W photo :?: Oh well rest of the instructions not too bad.

Matt how did you get on with the regular belt, it looks pretty cheap and nasty have you changed yours at all as I know others have?
I'm still using the original belt. The table wobbles a bit on start up and stopping (and a very small amount in use), however, it does not seem to affect accuracy at all. I may change the belt at some point in the future when I've not got anything better to spend the money on (or the current belt fails).

BTW - you may find that you have some bits left over when you've finished assembly... Probably the bit that goes across the front of the sliding table assembly!
is anyone planning to have a trip up to stockport?

being that i cannot drive yet i am in a bit of a pickle, idealy someone who lives near me, i was wondering if i could ride along in the cattle cart and pick up me 804.


have you replaced your belt and if so have you got a link to it?

also do you know if woodford have got anymore 804's in stock because the website is saying allow 12 weeks for delivery?


I have not changed my belt and will not unless the performance bothers me, another user used a link style of belt which is made up of many short links so you can build to length but they are pricey about £35 afaik but do work really well with no vibration at all.

I don't think he had any new 804's in but do call them as the web site is a little variable and not completely up to date.
i am going to order my saw tommorow (tuesday) hopfully no problems with woodford but who knows, just want to say a big thank you to all those i have driven up, down, left and right about my choice over what to buy, i never meant to aggrivate anyone just wanted advise and i got it.

i asked a few :sign3: questions but i wanted all the ansers before spending my hard earnt.

i know scrit and frank felt like they was talking to an empty bag of crisps but i was listing i just dont seem to express it very well on here, i will give you updates about the saw but they wont be very often because i only get eveings in my shop now'er days and i am nackered by then.

bramers have you spoken to Jorden he has one of the smaller Woodford saws, I'm not sure of the model though.

i am not going back there, i have spoken, asked, replyed and i now know what i want, dont make me go back to not knowing. :)