Nearly lost me dog

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doctor Bob

Established Member
22 Jun 2011
Reaction score
Nearly lost one of my dogs yesterday.
Emergency gastroplexy, 50 staples in stomach. Very lucky boy, my wife knew what was happening, the vet said another 5 minites and he would have died. Not out of the woods yet but he stands a good chance.




Much relief all round, amazing how quickly they bounce back from such traumas though so main problem is going to be enforcing convalescence I suspect.

Frightening how a household companion in trouble can put the most stable household into crisis mode.
Ahh sorry to hear that Bob poor little sod.

I seem to have adopted one where I'm working he's fast asleep I haven't killed him lol


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Aw bless. Here's wishing him a speedy recovery.
It always amazes me how our pets become such an intergral part of our lives.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and well done to your wife for being so quick.

How on earth does the stomach get tangled up?
A bit luckier than Cleo my boxer bitch. She was nearly twelve, and last thursday she came in and danced for her tea (as usual) ate her tea and an apple and lay down. Through the evening she started to look off colour and went out in the garden and started to dig a hole in the far corner. I kept calling her in but she kept going back to digging. I had a horrible thought she was going away to die. I got her in and we went to bed. We were woken by her crying in pain at about 2am so Swmbo and the boy took to her to the emergency vets, by which time she had blown up like a balloon. They said they could do an exploratory op. but in view of her age the kindest thing to do was have her put to sleep, as there was a very good chance the anaesthetic would kill her. I'm disabled and for most of the day she was only six feet from me. I miss her like hell. :cry: :cry:
Hope yours is OK. :)
All the best to him Dr. Bob. They really do get hold of you, don't they?

When we were living in Singapore my wife recovered a stranded "mischling" bitch pup from a storm drain and she stayed with us both there and then in Switzerland for the next almost 17 years, but in the end we had to have her put down (cancer). That was more than 10 years ago now, and "a good innings" and all that, but from time to time we still look at each other and say "remember when Bella did X,Y,Z?" Still miss her.

"Gute besserung"

Hope for a good recovery, mate. Our daughter's sheepdog cross seems to think he's actually a sheep, and it's therefore his mission in life to find a new way to die. So far he's failed with pyryplasmosis, a gall bladder infection and now transient strokes; ongoing vet costs probably pushing towards £10k...............
Hope your dog recovers quickly Bob.
And Phil, I'm very sorry for your loss.
My dog used to go everywhere with me, work the lot. We used to go to the yard, pick the van up then go back to the village and pick him up. Boss turned up one day, 'whats that doing in the van?' Security Boss, he looks after the tools. 2 minutes later the dog had the boss wrapped round his little finger. When the time came it broke my heart. Don't know if I'll ever get another, know that I'll never get another like him. Thoughts are with you.

Here's hoping for a full recovery and well done for your wife spotting it! we have lost 2 dogs and a cat (plus 3 humans) in the last 5 years and we would be totally lost without our Hamish (Cavalier) he is with me all day and goes with us everywhere as he's a good traveller in the cars, we live out in the wilds and its quite easy to go a week without seeing another person up here so he's great company and he has us very well trained lol
Sorry to hear of your loss Phil
so sorry to hear about your setters problems - was it bloat that caused the gastroplexy?
hope all goes well .
cheers paul