My new toy!

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TrimTheKing":29man4qc said:
My cinema room is close to completion now after a flood and the insurers/tradesmen should be out by the end of next week, so I have just bagged myself this bad boy as replacement for the Jurassic (in both age and size) one we inherited from the previous owners.

SONY VPL-HW10 - Full 1080P

I agreed with the boss (The Missus) that we could get a new one in time for the World Cup so I phoned my man at the local AV Shoppe and he said he had one in. Because it is a discontinued model (new once came out a couple of months ago) I am getting the shop demo one, 8.5 hours on the lamp, for just under £1500 :shock: With full 3 year SONY warranty where they come to your house to fix it if there's any issues.

Waaaaay more than I planned to spend but it is frighteningly good, so I will just have to miss a couple of payments on my car to pay for it :D

AV man reckoned that there are some projector enthusiasts who collect old 3 lens projectors so the old BARCO Cine7 I am getting rid of (below) is worth up to £500-£600 to the right person. Time to get on the 'bay I reckon... :D

Here's a pic of the old beast

And here's a random pic I found on the web of it needing 4 blokes to mount it!!! I mean, it does weigh 38Kilo's but me and my 8 and half months pregnant missus took it down ouselves the other night. She undid the bolts and I rested it on my head :shock: Damn near crushed me! :D

But does it have central heating ???
joesoap":1mdpakmh said:
TrimTheKing":1mdpakmh said:
But does it have central heating ???
What? The projector? ;)

That's not a picture of my room, it's a random one I found on the web when looking for a photo of the old projector.

I am going to post a WIP of the room being rebuilt after the recent works, might do that this evening...
TrimTheKing":t0yy7bhk said:
barkwindjammer":t0yy7bhk said:
a rich man may enter the kingdom of heaven-with a condition emposed
Sorry, not quite sure I understand your point. Can you elaborate?

I understand you are paraphrasing Matthew 19:23-26, but I don't see the relevance to a topic on a projector for watching telly on...

It's alright, he makes weird comments now and then that don't make any sense. I assume it was imposed rather than emposed as well, emposed sounds like what Chris Schwartz is doing in that pic BB posted in general woodworking
Why don't you put the screen in the middle of the room. Then you can sit either side, and see a 'Horizontal-flip' version of the film!

Don't forget to run your Tom and Jerry cartoons backwards! Hilarious!

John :lol:

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