Magnetic broom where to get it

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Established Member
13 Dec 2013
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Hi people. I am looking either to buy or make magnetic broom as I am doing a lot of rust cleaning on wire wheel and after use I need to make the area safe as kids are running all over it. At present I am using two kitchen knife magnetic strips but they are not strong enough and a lot of wires and shards just bounce off as I have to drag them directly on the floor and the rough concrete is bouncy.
Any advice? I wonder how would a magnetic flat chuck as used on grinders would work but the cost is probably more than prohibitive.
Never heard of a magnetic broom. Why not just lay a large plastic sheet down and then pick it all up in one go when you are finished?
Buy a pack of self-adhesive neodymium magnets. Fix them to a batten. Place a poly bag over the batten. Pick up waste. Turn poly bag inside out and pull off the magnets.
You could even put a broomstick on :D
Yojevol":cc55fnqr said:
Buy a pack of self-adhesive neodymium magnets. Fix them to a batten. Place a poly bag over the batten. Pick up waste. Turn poly bag inside out and pull off the magnets.
You could even put a broomstick on :D
This is similar to what I do behind my grinder/finisher. Rare earth magnets in a plastic box with a plastic bag round it. Works really well.
Thank you guys. Magnets ordered as the plastic sheet would not work. The area to cover is too large and place is too windy (Common drive between houses creating wind tunnel like effect).
Where did you get good priced rare earth magnets?

I might have answered my own question, after a web search. But that has raised another - how do you know how much you need? I.e. what sort of' pull' do you need for e.g. behind your grinder, or as a tool holder?
Thanks in advance
Bod":7fdbqb5d said:
First one I came across, usual disclaimers etc. No connection with Cromwell except as customer.

Further to my previous post - you could put a pair of wheels on it!
gregmcateer":34pywvxe said:
Where did you get good priced rare earth magnets?

I might have answered my own question, after a web search. But that has raised another - how do you know how much you need? I.e. what sort of' pull' do you need for e.g. behind your grinder, or as a tool holder?
Thanks in advance

Go on amazon etc. Search Rare Earth Magnets. They are rated. Buy some strong ones. If you get the ones shaped like polos you can just screw them in to holes. You can gang them also. Two together is stronger than 1. But at some point 'Science!' intervenes and mass and density start affecting it and it doesn't work anymore. You can't keep stacking them and create an Evil Supermagnet. It's a tiny bit like Cats and Gravity. So the cat is just about the largest you can get before Gravity takes hold of mass. Hence they can fall off sh*t and not die. Same size/slightly larger and importantly more mass and they become jack russels falling 6 storeys and not surviving.

Just buy some strongish ones Greg. Too strong and you can barely pull them apart and they whip back and give you blood blisters.

You can but some mad magnets now. Look up magnet fishing on youtube. People pulling bikes out of canals with a magnet half the size of your hand and a length of rope. Quick google for some scrap trolly wheels etc, a scrap broom handle etc and you're there.

Adaptaion to my bench that I'm really glad I thought of. Really handy to have rules/marking knife held on the legs out the way. Photos are terrible.
Bm101":iz34dzz3 said:
If you get the ones shaped like polos you can just screw them in to holes.
But be careful. These magnets are extremely brittle and will break at the merest hint of over tightening.
I've seen something like this with wheels either side and magnets to pick up screws etc.
Bod":1kdrllz4 said:
First one I came across, usual disclaimers etc. No connection with Cromwell except as customer.


I can't believe it.
They have a shop locally where I have enquired about it. Perhaps my dodgy accent and calling it a broom rather than a sweeper was the issue. Never mind magnets are already on the way to me and will make the rest as suggested.

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