Established Member
We have one, it's about 20 years old and I may as well be using a broom handle so we need a new one.
(Minimum of) 400mm (16") file length (without the tang) square, bastard or 2nd cut, and somewhere between 15 and 18mm width.
I think files of this size are forged by mythical beasts on a full moon, on a leap year and on a unicorns 21st birthday only judging by the difficulty I am having trying to locate one.
I have found only one supplier (Cromwell). They have them in stock but can't sell me one because I don't have an account. I could buy it from their website if it was listed but its not so I can't. No they can't list it because their computers don't recognise the part number. They can however send it to my local branch for me to collect, but that's a 200 mile round trip.
So does anyone know of any shops that don't appear on google(I've looked) that can take an order over the phone, payment via card, and deliver within a few days to South Wales a 400mm square file?
Thanks in advance.
(Minimum of) 400mm (16") file length (without the tang) square, bastard or 2nd cut, and somewhere between 15 and 18mm width.
I think files of this size are forged by mythical beasts on a full moon, on a leap year and on a unicorns 21st birthday only judging by the difficulty I am having trying to locate one.
I have found only one supplier (Cromwell). They have them in stock but can't sell me one because I don't have an account. I could buy it from their website if it was listed but its not so I can't. No they can't list it because their computers don't recognise the part number. They can however send it to my local branch for me to collect, but that's a 200 mile round trip.
So does anyone know of any shops that don't appear on google(I've looked) that can take an order over the phone, payment via card, and deliver within a few days to South Wales a 400mm square file?
Thanks in advance.