Joke thread

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Sorry folks, boring though it may be, I find myself in complete agreement with Phil Pascoe - and others.

Ditto re the Dinosaurs and Reindeer and Comet above. OK, I'm old, and a thicko it seems, but really I just don't get that one either. Where's the joke?

'Comet' was one of Santa's reindeers, but ('allegedly') dinosaurs became extinct when a comet hit the Earth, so I guess that a joke about comets made by a dinosaur to an audience of fellow dinosaurs, would go down as well as did the cartoon in this thread to some who viewed it. I quite like cryptic witticisms and irony, so it raised a smile with me and got my vote.

And topical too!

Only yesterday was it reported that, in future, a million will be suffixed by "mn" as opposed to just m.
This is to tie in with a billion being noted as "bn", and a trillion being "tn"....
Apparently some folk were getting confused with metres, miles and millions.....

(And no, I don't understand that either...)
Here's a few to get us through the drought.....

My workmate from Warsaw has just got divorced from his childhood girlfriend,
he said they were Poles apart...

Me and the Mrs were in town earlier when this woman came over and said to her:

"Your husband reminds me of my cat"

"Don't tell me" she said "smooth, sleek and loyal?"

"No" she laughed "they both like sitting in the tree outside my bedroom window"

What do you call an Irish man with acne?
Dermot Itis...
I was in the supermarket when an attractive lady came up to me and said 'You're the father of one of my children'. I frantically thought back to the only time I had been unfaithful. I said 'Were you the stripper that came to my stag-do who stripped me, bent me over the snooker table and slapped me with a wet lettuce leaf?' She said 'No, I'm a teacher. Your little boy is in my class.'
I was in the supermarket when an attractive lady came up to me and said 'You're the father of one of my children'. I frantically thought back to the only time I had been unfaithful. I said 'Were you the stripper that came to my stag-do who stripped me, bent me over the snooker table and slapped me with a wet lettuce leaf?' She said 'No, I'm a teacher. Your little boy is in my class.'
Aaaah that's more like it. Keep them coming👏👏
It's OK for the government to take wine to work and have a good old time, but when I did it on the no 17 to Manchester passengers complained like ****.
One rule for ministers and their cronies but another for hard working bus drivers...

I'll believe a salad is "to die for" when someone on death-row chooses one for their last meal !

How do dragons blow out the candles on their birthday cakes?

The guy who invented Chinese Whispers has died.
Pass it on...
I think directing was much funnier, assumed it was intentional
I recognised the original quote and also realised that maybe the auto-correct had kicked in with the in-correct word. But, my vision of showing a frog to a busy road and its inevitable demise was funnier.
Most blokes own two to three pairs of shoes.
So what makes women think we'd be any good at choosing which pair, out of thirty, looks good with your dress?

Has anyone in Stoke lost a flat ginger cat and some flies?
They're on the A34 by Tesco...

I could have been a boxer, just like my father.
He could have been a boxer too...

Vegetable patches are pointless.
I can give up vegetables easily without them...

What do you call a fat computer?

A Dell...

Worlds surfing championship in Tonga won by some bloke on a wardrobe...

My menopausal wife has done nothing but complain since we've moved next door to a brothel.
It must be the whor moans...

My email password has been hacked again.
That's the third time I've had to rename the cat...

The police knocked on my door this morning.
“Do the letters H.B. mean anything to you?” they asked.
“No, I said.”
“What about G.D. then?”
“No means nothing to me,” I said.
“How about A.J.?”
“Look,” I said, “am I suspected of something?”
“No sir.” They said, “These are just initial inquiries.”

Entomology professor; 'A single ant can live to be 29 years old Student; 'What about a married one?
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