HSE scam email


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Established Member
28 Aug 2016
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Just warning I had a quite convincing email yesterday supposedly from the HSE about coming to do a spot check and Covid inspection on my business premises on Friday.

I was a bit suspicious so Googled and yes the HSE are doing spot checks all over the place and the phone numbers etc on the email were the proper HSE ones. A bit more digging though and I found that it's a scam, there is a line in the email about "guidence" which you can click on for more details, apparently this downloads some malware.

Luckily I didn't fall for it but it looked really genuine.
Well done for not getting caught out !!
They really are getting nasty these days (scams, not HSE).
One can hardly believe anything one receives anymore :(
They really are getting nasty these days (scams, not HSE).
Had a very convincing text from my bank saying a new device had been assigned to my account & could I verify it, this is standard practice & I still don't know what me smell a rat other that it wasn't true, phoned the bank first & sure enough it was a scam.
They certainly knew more about me than the usual scams I get.
I got a text from the bank saying 'thanks for updating your address, If it wasn't you, contact us immediately'. I couldn't contact the bank immediately. There was a huge queue . I scanned my system, then went into the account and everything seemed OK. Trying to contact the bank was rather difficult. Eventually had to wait for ages on the phone. The operator could see that the message had been sent, but absolutely no idea why. Nothing had been changed. They said it sometimes happens.