Warning. Scam emails... New(?) one for Covid Green Pass


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Established Member
12 Jul 2021
Reaction score
Frome, Somerset
Okay... may not be a NEW scam or SPAM mail but I had one this morning 😒 :mad:

This morning I received an email, supposedly from the NHS, for the "Coronavirus Covid Green Pass" - *inviting* me to accept/decline. IF you haven't had it come through just be aware and don't click the links thinking you'll get a *Green Pass*... all you'll probably do is give these blankety *people* a green pass to your details.

Just glad I use a wee program called MailWasher Pro to pre view part of the mail before any downloading. Also sorts/marks known SPAM etc., so they can be bounced back to somewhere in the ether of the Internet Space World 😎 MW showed this one as SPAM and checking through the details of "who/whom from" (actual email address) and viewing the actual web address for "Accepting" or "Declining" the *invitation* shows these links go to "muttelpet . com" etc., etc., etc., - see the pic I took before sending it on its way...

I hate getting the spam/scam emails - most seem to come after I've had to accept cookies to view a "news" (?) story - Express, Guardian, Times etc., - via a notification on my phone or tablet or possibly via the home page story "ad" on the browser on the computer - and have had to accept some cookies to view further. Over time bouncing/deleting these emails in MW stops them for a while *until* I again accept these *cookies*... 🙏 for MailWasher Pro :)


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I hate getting the spam/scam emails
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding spam and nuisance calls declining.
If any site requires me to accept unnecessary cookies I just move on.
I also registered my phone number with the telephone preference service.

It all helps.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding spam and nuisance calls declining.
If any site requires me to accept unnecessary cookies I just move on.
I also registered my phone number with the telephone preference service.

It all helps.

I usually do just move on or check the cookie settings and then either accept or not - depends on what the "news" is about.
Sometimes the "cookie box" doesn't obscure the text and I can just scroll through without accepting - but not always.

Like you I've also registered ALL my/our phone numbers (landline, mobiles) with the telephone preference service but that doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. Agree "seem" to have declined but get a spate of them now and then.

I now don't answer the landline - all goes to the "answer machine" - as 99% of calls are *silent* and if I get nuisance calls to the mobile I just then block the call/number.
I've also registered ALL my/our phone numbers (landline, mobiles) with the telephone preference service but that doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. Agree "seem" to have declined but get a spate of them now and then.
When I first registered, some still come through.
I would say, do you realize this number is registered with the telephone preference service.
They would then always apologize and say they would take me off their list.
I haven't had a call for weeks.
When I first registered, some still come through.
I would say, do you realize this number is registered with the telephone preference service.
They would then always apologize and say they would take me off their list.
I haven't had a call for weeks.
Hi @artie If someone spoke on the line after picking up the receiver I'd say the same. However those I have answered have been totally silent so we no longer answer. If it's something important then they can leave a message.