Help with lathe no working.

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Established Member
3 Jun 2007
Reaction score
South Ayrshire, South West, Scotland
After the bad weather I went into my shed to turn. When I turned the lathe on the motor sounded as if it was labouring. I tried to increase speed but this was not possible. The higher I went in speed the slower the lathe turned. At first I thought it might still be cold/frozen, but I kept it running on the lowest speed to see if it would heat up. It just packed in and noe the motor just makes a noise with no movement.
I have the Jet 1442.
Do I need new bearings / belt. And how hard is nit to fix, remember I am thick at technical things.


Have you had a look at the belt / pulleys ? when running and you try and adjust the speed are the pulleys opening and closing ? or are they stuck ?

Or you can ring Jet direct on Phone: 0300 100 1008 , BriMarc they are in Devon
I think you will find that Blister is spot on, if the pulleys are stuck and not opening/adjusting then this will cause the problem you describe. Being made from alloy they tend to bind very easily, the trouble is that they are mounted on a steel shaft and you get a type of by-metallic corrosion leaving a white residue that causes them to seize, especially it they get slightly damp due to condensation.

Be very careful if you try to free them off as they are quite brittle, there was another thread about this same problem a couple of months back

I phoned Tec help at Axminster tools. I spoke to a very helpful ( Scots ) man. He said that this is a problem they have been getting a lot with this cold weather. I was told to heat up the area around the lathe, then after the temp was up run the lathe on low speed for 30 mins or more to get some heat back into the electrics. I might need a new capacitor if this did not work. He also told me that when the temp is as low as it was I have to cover the head stock with a heavy blanket :) Temp last night here in Scotland was -16c.
I did what was said and the lathe did work a bit better. Today the temp reached a staggering +3c and later in the afternoon the lathe was back to normal. So I have been out and " tucked it in tight for the night " and don't let the bed bugs bit :oops: :oops:
This morning I contacted the local wood turning shop and spoke to the owner. He also told me this was a possibility that the metal was over cold. Also I have not been greasing the lathe enough. I have to get only an oregon chainsaw oil thingy and use oregon grease to give it a good greasing!!!


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