Kostello, your absolutely right but let's look at this from another perspective.
An accountant from Oxford buys one, his tool kit comprises of a hammer his dad gave him and a cheap screwdriver set from halfords. He decides he wants to get more hands on and do his own "grand design" so he opts to build an extension/conservatory. After a little research he discovers kits to help, so, armed with his new tool 'Stanley fat max 8m tape" from b&q he decides what size he beads and orders.
Several months later he gets round to hitting the roof only to find these wierd cut bits of wood, that gave to be somewhere on a centre to something.
Needless to say it goes horribly wrong.
Now everyone here has a talent and can see where this guy went wrong. The problem is he will never blame himself, no it will be the kits fault, the tools fault, the weathers fault possibly even a small third world dictators fault. The point is, if it doesn't work for him, he'll tell as many people as he can who's fault it was.
I say over engineer it, make it as simple as you can. That way basic things can't go wrong and ruin your reputation.
~Nil carborundum illegitemi~