Hardwood B&Q plywood


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Established Member
25 Jun 2014
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WALES, Nr Neath
B&Q Hardwood 18m plywood
I am making a mitre saw station and a few cupboards for the workshop from the above should i treat them with anything or just leave them thanks' Mock photo below example 4 x 2 and plywood
Chico don't say that :oops: :oops:


    22.4 KB · Views: 106
You will need to put a really thick paint on them, maybe even bitumen.

The hardwood ply is horrible, top and surface are thinner than a fag paper and it pulls from almost any edge that has been cut. Don't even sand it it will vapourise.

Sorry but it is true.
Lip the edges of the ply or let it into rebates in the softwood framing.
Totally agree that B&Q ply (and others) has paper thin veneer but I've been quite impressed by the lack of voids in the core of my recent purchases from the orange shed.
The labels have been multilingual so looks like it is being supplied right across the Kingfisher group to their French sheds as well as eastern europe. Huge volumes means they can demand higher consistency of the chinese suppliers.

I'd cover the surfaces with PU varnish to reduce glue sticking to it and easier to clean off.
MRMDF might be another material to use.
They have several different types, not all of which are rubbish. I have got on well with the exterior-grade hardwood ply. I usually get my ply from B&Q because of the cutting service; I can't handle a full size sheet on my own. I'd say they are perfectly adequate for workshop furniture. If the surface looks sound I use BLO or nothing. If it's a bit flaky I use 2 coast of PU flooring varnish, which sticks it together! I do often lip the edges.

Even the rubbish stuff I find usable for e.g. workshop shelving or machine shielding. Not everything is fine furniture.
the ply from b and pooh is unacceptably poor quality, if you must use it from there definitely lip it with pine, just nail some strips of 1 x 1 around the edges and plane it flush.
MusicMan":2sku2yuo said:
... I have got on well with the exterior-grade hardwood ply. I usually get my ply from B&Q because of the cutting service; I can't handle a full size sheet on my own.
I used to buy there for the same reason ........... until some bright spark decided not to stock full sheets any more, just halves. :?

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