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Established Member
6 Sep 2007
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carlow Ireland
Hiya to all, A friend has just left me a lenght of timber which he says is Eculiptus not too sure of how you spell it ,apart from anything else.
It's about 6' long and 7/8" dia. He said the leaves were long narrow and pear shaped. Is this a good timber to turn. As I havent seen it in daylight I have no more info. Should I cut it into 2' lenghts and seal ends or turn it green. All help gratefully accepted. REgards Boysie. :? :?
I would say turn it green, that which Pete gave me and I attempted to dry developed loads of internal cavities (splits that did not show on the outside).

I belive Pete (Bodrighy) had success turning wood from the same source green.
in my experince eucalyptus cannot be dried it must be turned green, it is also very unforgiving so and even wall thickness as thin as you can is a must.
its amazing stuff though -transulucent at 1/4"
incredible movement once dried
the majority of movement will occour within 24 hours- it will start popping a fizzing within an hour.
wet turn it- keep it wet whilist turning- wet sand it- and enjoy :D
heres one of mine
Seeing that there are some many varieties and they don't all have the same characteristics your going to have to play it by ear on this one.

If turning it green leave plenty for warping. Some will warp a great deal, other way less.I have a 6" bowl move 2" out of round and look more like a boat.

When it come to drying do it slow try using a paper bag or a cardboard box. This is a simple way to slow down the process and have sort of control as well.

I use cardboard boxes extensively in drying Australian hard woods. Both for blanks and rough outs.
For extemely unstable timbers I soak then in water for anywhere up to 6-8 weeks.Changing the water often till it no longer is discolored by the timber. Then dry them out in a cardboad box, checking the weight often till reach sort degree of stability

good luck
Thanks, Chas and George, George those pics. look as if they were shell like, I dont think the piece I have at max 8" dia can be used for something like that.
A candle stick was requested as a payment,there are a few 2"/3" branches attached so they will take care of that. What to do with the main piece is something else. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Geo. when you said keep it wet when turning do you mean have a spray bottle with water and give it an odd spray?also must it be used straight away ,or can I cut it into lenghts of 12" and leave it out side in our lovely dry climate. If it's cut into lenghts is there a need to seal the ends.
Sorry for all the questions but in my short time turning I have never turned Green wood it will be a new experience for me. And as ever the forum has taught me something already how to spell the word.
REgards Boysie
Do not try and keep it for any length of time before turning it.

Rather than do anything that will allow it to dry out, store it in dustbin bags to retain the moisture gradient across the piece of timber until you can get it on the lathe.
I would keep the logs as long/length as possible and cut off what you need and turn it straight away.
Looking at Georges pieces (very nice George) it is certainly worth a go :D
from my experince with eucalytus if this was the summer we wouldint be having this chat as it would be split from top to bottom by now, i did have some givn to me in the summer once and the only way i found i could keep it was to leave it in an old dustbin full of water!!

yes i meant to spray it with a garden type sprayer whilist turning if you dont it will start to warp whilst your turning it!! make sure your electrics are o.k to do this technique

I think a canndle stick is an unrealistic request for this timber, i've tried goblets from small branch's and they kinda work- if you donty mind them leaning over :lol:

an 8" log will yield bowls like mine- just split down the middle and turn one from each side.
Thanks fellas, I will make a candle stick out of something else and send it to her,from what I'm hearing about this Eucl. she might have to stand on her head to light the candle, and me to turn it. I dont know if its worth all that trouble although when I look at what Geo. did it's lovely. You would not happen to be over this way in the near future George ,I could keep it in a good wet area if you were.
The only other thing I can do is find someone turning as thick as me and swop it for a lenght of Yew. Ah! well checked every where and I'm the only one so I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
Man drowned while turning a eucalyptus candelstick. Thanks to all REgards Boysie.
Boysie, Boysie.
7/8" indicates to me that it is just under an inch, I take it you meant
7" or 8" in diameter.
I thought, what is he going to do with a six foot long twig.
Good luck with turning it. Pics when you've finished.
John. B
Well made a start on Eucal. cut off a piece of branch 3"x 10" and cut some shapes into it, first time with Green timber will hardley need to sand it. Got showered as I worked, used my soft hands technec seemed to be ok .Removed it from the lathe and wrapped it in some bubble wrap that was laying around and then a paper bag. will see what it's like tomorrow.
Took me about an hour to clean and oil lathe(liqued pariffin) and tools.Is it always like this when you turn Green Timber. I dont mind as its so easy on the old bones, as a matter of fact I may start to use some green which is in abundance around me. Which means I will be pestering you Boys for more Info.
Hughie I missed your post thanks for your imput and Welcome Cobber. REgards Boysie.
Turning Green Wood by Michael O'Donnell is a really good book to get if you are thinking of going down the green wood track. Amazon often have it 1/2 price if you don't mind used copies. There may be others around as well that are worth looking out for. I'm sur that someone will come up with some suggestions. The price of the book is soon covered by the savings in 'seasoned' wood.

Hiya all, well I took the "candlestick" out of its wrappings this morn. and it seemed to be even wetter. must be the bubble wrap?
It hasent moved as of yet so being a very clever one ,I wrapped it up again and will leave it for a few days and then uncover it and see what happens.
John B forgive me for deliberate mistake you were the only one to kop on :lol: :lol:
Pete thanks for Info. about book will check it out. Yew are always very helpful. Look after yourself old friend. REgards Boysie.