Dungeons and Dragons Dice Tray


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Established Member
12 Aug 2016
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Leeds, United Kingdom
First furlough lockdown project for me. I play with some friends and thought I'd make us some custom trays use with a custom logo (just a bit of fun). They were so enamoured they suggested I tried Etsy so thought why not. They are nothing special construction wise but were fun to make and gave me an excuse to buy the cheapest of cheap CNC engraver to do the designs which are then epoxy filled and sanded back.

IMG_4491.jpg133955814_10164501224800317_5907602039071560133_n.jpgBox 8.1 (Etsy Aspect).jpg

The one on the carpet is the first I ever made as an experiment, the picture that has NIXON on it is one for a friend (her character name) and the glossy one is used over on Ets

Still working on my sanding and finishing technique to try and get them better and thinking of doing some with box splines as much for the look as the strength.