Dobbing Sticks

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Established Member
15 Jan 2009
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Co. Armagh
I was looking at the Secret Santa thread (you guys are very kind to each other) and saw 'dobbing sticks'. I tried a search on the www but had no joy. What are they for please?

I wrap fabric around them and use use them to apply various finishes to shaped surfaces. (Or "dob it on", not to be confused with "dabbing it on").
But I'm sure someone will be along with a different name/use shortly. :D
I misread this thread title at first and thought it must refer to a persuader for pantomime horses... It's a new one to me too, Brendan.
me too, I thought they were stops to go in dog holes
They also look like bench dogs, to me, as Tom says. I made some just like this in the summer and they work wall (the trick is not to make the dowel too tight, or else you'll struggle to get them out again! - DAMHIKT :oops:). I use them in conjunction with a Veritas Wonder Dog.
They may work as dogs (although very loose in my bench), but I've always used similar to assist in finishing, especially restoration finishing. Great for control, when you don't want the finish to leak onto adjacent timber/contrasting cockbeading etc. Also for levelling fillers/softwax where the risk of scratching/scraping rules out metal implements.
Dobbing sticks may be a local term, although I've come across it in Scotland, Northumbria and Yorkshire.
I suppose only my Secret Santa knows what he make them as, but I know what I'll be using them as, and I thank him, they're great for it. =D>
...and in signwriting a dopper is a wooden rod with a pad on one end used as a hand rest for detailed work.
I thought that a Dobbing stick was rathet like a shallow wooden spoon that you use to scoop up the s**t left by next door's cat and then dob it back over the fence at their back door! :shock: :lol:
I thought a dobbing stick was what you hit someone over the head with for "Dobbing" (grassing) you up to the teacher :lol:


Well - dobbing sticks they may be but I must admit that they were 'sacrificial' bench dogs as they left my bench (intended for 19mm or 3/4" holes)!!!!

However, I really like the other idea and will get back out an make some more for myself for that purpose!

Glad you liked the other stuff laird,

Happy Xmas and New year to all,

Thanks again Simon, and glad you don't mind me using them for different purposes than that which you intended :D But I prefer my use - they're too good for sacrificial, and it saves me making more for the large chest of drawers I've to restore in the new year :D
Thanks again, a great ss box, and one to be proud of.
My poor recipient hasn't yet received his, although I posted it at the very begining of December, and all the proof of post can show is it reached his country on the 6th :cry:

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