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29 Oct 2020
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Call to everyone to join this years secret Santa. There is a thread called The 2023 Secret Santa starts in earnest. . Best thing I do each year. A group of woodworkers or any type of maker get drawn for a partner and exchange a Christmas gift. Phil Pascoe does an awesome job organizing. Check it out, it will be the best gift you open at Christmas. And you will end up with a new secret friend!
Agreed, plus we then all get to enjoy the picture thread of what everyone got so the more people involved the better, you can either make something, buy something or even send some nice bits of wood. Last year I got a beautifully made decorating elf and small skew to add to my tool set, which reminds me I must make more use of it 😁
Agreed, plus we then all get to enjoy the picture thread of what everyone got so the more people involved the better, you can either make something, buy something or even send some nice bits of wood. Last year I got a beautifully made decorating elf and small skew to add to my tool set, which reminds me I must make more use of it 😁
Once you master the skew , sandpaper will wreck your finish!
Come guys, it really is awesome. Last year I send A maple Burl Woodturning, book of my area in Canada, canadian maple syrup, among other things. I received a gorgeous turned pen and a bunch of 3-d printed from my secret Santa. things that I love. And best of all gained a few friends from England.
As @Lefley said its amazing, have a look through the thread for last year's gifts, they were awesome. This is my 3rd year doing it, the first year I received an awesome R2D2 shaped phone holder and a set of coasters with pictures of fish drawn in coloured pyrography (fish and aquariums are one of my hobbies) and last year I received some beautifully handmade texturing tools, I'm really excited to see what this year brings
one if the best things about Xmas to give, receive and see all the pics go up.

I think I’ve been in this since first year we did it (must be a decade now perhaps?). I’d add my call for anyone considering it to take the plunge.
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