Benchtalk101 Christmas day special. All welcome.

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Yep, I collect tools and tat
8 Dec 2007
Reaction score
Leicestershire England
Dear Bench Talkers!


Bench.Talk.101 has always been all about getting to know one another, getting to talk woodwork, to learn tips and skills from other people, and this has all come about from covid. We’ve found ourselves in our own homes and getting withdrawal symptoms of talking to each other and ask questions we have at our bench.

Over the past months, Bench.Talk.101 has started to become a family of people here, where we are starting to look out for one another, and as we all face this holiday season in different states of lockdown, many traditions of visiting family, or visit the pub for a pint with friends will be put aside and replaced with just another day in quarantine.

This week, @Bench.Talk.101 will not take place on its usual Thursday time slot, but instead we will be gathering at the usual Hour (20:30 UK time) on Christmas Day for a Virtual Open House. Everyone is welcome so please share this with your friends. This will be a casual unrecorded open visit with no special guest speaker. As has become customary, some of the Bench.Talk.101 family will continue into the wee hours, so feel free to visit as your schedule allows.

I look forward to catching up with you all for a Christmas Bench Beverage. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Keep safe

You can join the Christmas day special from 20:30 UK time by clicking here
This is a one time link which is different to the normal Bench.Talk link so pls share freely or click on the link in @Bench.Talk.101 ‘s Instagram bio which will appear 5 minutes before the meeting is about to start or DM me your email address and I will send you a calendar invite.

You can watch previous episodes of Bench.Talk.101 on our YouTube channel.

PS. Please share and like the Bench.Talk.101 YouTube, Facebook and Instagram so that more like minded woodworkers can join in. You are welcome to join the live episodes.

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Cheers Andy
Happy Christmas