Dave the timber prepared is not really long enough to get more than one cut of each length safely and I don't like working too near the table saw blade or clamps near the blade.
I have started the marking out of diamonds, and I used the digital caliper set to 42.50mm and marked off this way, it provides an accurate repetitive measurement device and using a pencil does not involve scratching the timber surface.
All the carcass diamonds marked out on the Maple.
Cut the diamonds free hand on the bandsaw, the mitre gauge does not set to required angle and a second length would not be long enough etc. to make setting up an angle corrective device worth while.
Sixteen waste bits over!
Will have to use for another one!
Cut the Purple heart patterns and used the sanding machine to clean up the glue surfaces. The large maple patterns I was able to use the setting gauge on the sander but those smaller pieces are being sanded freehand. :evil:
But things are coming to shape.
Household maintenance is beckoning again so fun being delayed.