Delta brand bandsawor tools anyone?

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I had that identical model for two years, it was 12" capacity and with tuffsaw blades, very accurate and reasonably powerful. I was cutting up to 6" thick stock occasionally, but was more comfortable with 4"

The wheels and table are cast Ali.

I only replaced it 15 months ago with a 16" Jet as I am kitting my workshop up with last time purchases before retirement.

The side blade guides are just square steel blocks which I replaced with phenolic blocks from America as they were scoring the blade. The phenolic ones rub the blade to keep track, but don't heat up and don't wear much either.

The blade guard was a pain, so it got ditched.

It's actually an American brand and mine was made in America.

All in all a decent solid bandsaw.

At 150watt I would be dubious about cutting any thickness of hardwood on it, but at €80,00 you can't go far wrong within its limitations, looking at the size of the electric plug it looks very small, obviously a bench top machine, the column does not look very substantial, so keeping the tension on the blade may be a problem. But I think the main problem will be finding a bandsaw so useful that you will want a bigger one in very short order.

One tip if you do buy one, is de-tension the blade if you are not going to use it for a time, that column does not look as though it will take to being tensioned all the time, I think the blade will slacken off, more expensive machines have lever to do just that.
