Comments on Interesting pieces of furniture thread

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Several people commented on my new furniture thread that they would like it moved to the design forum. I have deleted these posts from the thread as they are not related to the furniture itself.

This thread is in reponse to those requests

I am considering the request but at the moment my inclination is no. The general forum has many more visitors than the design forum (I for one never visit it) and there are 2 out of 29 new posts in their since I logged on last night

The reason I posted it is for the maximum number of people to view beautiful furniture and admire craftsmanship at its best.
Not sure about deleting people's posts 'cos you don't agree with them is quite right to be honest. Not quite in the spirit of the forum would you say?
And just because a section has fewer visitors to it doesn't mean it's the wrong section for you to post to?
I don't really care where you post goes - but it's certainly a post on DESIGN :whistle:.
Is this new style of active moderation going to apply to all threads, all threads started by moderators, or just this one?
Hi Tony,

I don't mean to cause any offence, but I have to say that I am inclined to agree with Gidon; the thread in question should be in the design forum. Isn't it a bit naughty to post it and then sticky it in a less appropriate but more popular forum because it's a subject close to your heart? 8-[

FWIW I think it's a beautiful piece of furniture by the way!

I don't think those posts should have been deleted as they where peoples opinions.

The thread should be posted in the Design Fourm as it relates to design even though the poster never ventures in there.

There are enough stickies in the threads, and after a time they become boring and unread should be left to die naturally.
While we're on the sticky-hunting, can we kill the "why do you do it" poll sticky now? It has been, served its purpose, and died a death.

edit: hooray! nice work, thank you, Tony (or other mod).
Yup, its a design thread, and it doesn't deserve to be sticky. Don't abuse your moderator status please.
gidon":3buntnyc said:
Not sure about deleting people's posts 'cos you don't agree with them

I did not delete them because I don't agree with them. I deleted them because they have nothing to do with the topic

They added nothing to the topic (only talked about which forum the post was in - nothing said about the actual furniture!!!) and were effectively off-topic AND I had secifically asked for comments on the furntiure itself.

For this idea to work, members need to specifically comment/discuss on the furniture itself - I see this as different to most threads in that it has a single purpose rather than the usual more open discussions.

If members do not like this approach, then please don't visit the thread

I had hoped for a more positive reponse and am quite dissapointed so far.
hmm Myself and Byron both posted our workshop build threads in the General Woodworking forum. These were moved because they were deemed not to be 'on topic'. Surely this rule then applies to this new thread which has been posted in the wrong forum and stickied. I'll admit that when I posted my workshop thread in GWW, I did it for exposure. But we can't have one rule for members and another for moderators... can we? Or maybe we need a shake up of forum definitions.

I also am unhappy about posts being deleted. That's a bit unfair. Many threads vear on and off topic.
Ok i addmit it i probably contributed to the dicourse on that thread, some prices were mentioned & i jumped in.

From my pov craftsmanship is not about just making art,it's also about being in the real world,whereas charging 12,700 for a small chest of drawers that is inspired by the shakers(anyone can buy a book & use the theme)is totally unrealistic,

Ok its a nice design--the shaker stuff was,but the whole point of the shaker designs in the beggining is that they were simple(religion came into this),

someone mentioned waywood a brit company--if you take a look at their designs & timbers used it doesn't take much thought to realise they are leauges above this shaker copier & have the added resonsibility of running a workshop of employees plus designing original items.

If a dewalt drill costs $220 in usa & in the uk costs£220.
car $12,700 usa---------same car£12,700 in uk

If he's charging$12,700 for this chest of drawers--whats its value in the uk?.

It's just not the real world --no matter how well its made.

this guy spends up to 6 weeks making one piece of furniture,at home for a hobbiest thats fine--with that amont of time available everybody should be able to make masterpieces.

Could this guy hold a job at waywoods whom make better furniture --i very much doubt it.

anyway over & done with.

shivers, I don't think your comments in that thread are in dispute. You were talking about the piece itself, which I assume is within Tony's 'rules'.
Sorry, Tony, but I think this is terrible moderating:

Deleting the posts you didn't want in "your" thread when the postees haven't broken any forum rules. At the least you could have broken them off into a new thread and had this discussion on there.
As a mod surely you should be encouraging members to use and enjoy the correct boards for various subjects - not dismissing one out of hand just because you can't be bothered to read it. Not posting to it is hardly going to increase the traffic, is it?
How come you never go onto the Design board as part of your share of moderating duties?
And to top it off there's no way this thread should be in General Woodworking either.

Unimpressed, Alf
Tony":6mou0jye said:
The general forum has many more visitors than the design forum (I for one never visit it) and there are 2 out of 29 new posts in their since I logged on last night

Check it out its amazing what you can learn if you keep an open mind. I visit all the various department's and learn a lot from all the banter :D

Perhaps you should re start this project (personally I think its a really great idea to study/discuss various furniture etc), only without so much obvious personal agenda and editorial control? It seems to sudgest desperation or annoyance to remove post's which you found personally to be unhelpful or not on topic? In fact why not have a new section for aestheitic's or wahtever you want to call it?? If theres as much mileage as I think there is in this sort of thing it will find its own course

Cheers Jonathan :D

Great idea. More focus on great furniture would certainly help.

I disagree about using this thread in the Design forum as that forum is usually ( but not yet exclusively) about Sketchup. There is more to design than CAD. Looking at todays Design section about 85% of the content is SU related.

I also think that this could have been introduced more diplomatically and the "temperature" of the other members should have been taken into consideration.

BUT the idea is sound and should be given space but not in the DESIGN ( Sketchup) section.
Not happy about posts being deleted, unless of course they are seriously offensive. Ditto locked threads. Happens too often on this group especialy if one is rude about Lee-Nelson or honing-jigs in my experience :roll: .
One post of mine was simply deleted with absolutely no comment at all presumably because the moderator didn't share the opinion expressed - which was contentious perhaps, but far from being offensive.

Good Surname or what ?":33xtf8hb said:
Design is not/should not be only about Sketchup. I'd like to see it house Tony's "Interesting Furniture" thread and others like it too.

Why don't we have a poll about moving the disputed thread to Design. I'll start it if you like.

Such a poll will have absolutely no influence on where i place my thread.

When I thought of the idea of this thread, I was very excited and thought it would add to the forum. All this discussion of where to place it has taken all the enjoyment away from me and I am on the verge of deleting the thread and forgetting it ever existed.

Please can everyone accept that the thread is staying where it is for now and if you are not happy with it, then don't visit it.

My last word on this .
Then you should forfeit your right as a moderator to move anyone else's threads.
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