My blood pressure yo-yos, over 50 points today, so after a battery of tests this morning I was fitted with a monitor.
Nurse attaches it to my arm, tests it, checks the figures, explains its use, what will happen next, shows me what the read out is all about and makes an appointment for me to return.
'If it doesn't blow up!' I commented.
Quizzical look.
'Me an electronics don't get on,' I explain.
Tolerant smile and off I go.
Hour later monitor packs up!
My son says I'm paranoid, the wife says I'm a joke, but both agree I shouldn't be let loose near modern electronics. Mobile or portable phone, the number has not been recognised! Swipe cards? Forget it! Digital watch? Might as well use a calender! TV remote? Anything is possible.
Does anybody else have this problem?
Nurse attaches it to my arm, tests it, checks the figures, explains its use, what will happen next, shows me what the read out is all about and makes an appointment for me to return.
'If it doesn't blow up!' I commented.
Quizzical look.
'Me an electronics don't get on,' I explain.
Tolerant smile and off I go.
Hour later monitor packs up!
My son says I'm paranoid, the wife says I'm a joke, but both agree I shouldn't be let loose near modern electronics. Mobile or portable phone, the number has not been recognised! Swipe cards? Forget it! Digital watch? Might as well use a calender! TV remote? Anything is possible.
Does anybody else have this problem?