Birthday Gloat

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Established Member
4 Sep 2005
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Thurrock, Essex
t'was my birthday yesterday (an aging twenty eight) and I was quite surprised to find that SWMBO had bought for me the 5 DVD David Charlesworth set!! So my mutterings must have sunk in!

I just finished watching no.5 (Precision joinery with chisels) - very very good!

Hopefully, now that I have my own personal Mr Charlesworth at beck and call my work should improve!

I also got a veritas wonder-dog, so no need to fit a tail vice now :)

That is all :)
Many Happy Returns :) .

Now you'll have to get her what she really wants for her birthday instead of a subscription to Top Gear magazine ;) :) .

Seriously, I envy you.

Happy birthday Byron,

Some great presents! I just finished Part 2: Hand planing. Also the veritas system is great I'm pondering upon also dropping my main vice in favor for more use out of the hold-downs.
Happy Birthday BB (I cought the hint on Tuesday and still forgot to send this message yesterday #-o )
Hope you had a thoroughly enoyable day - sounds like most of it was in front of the telly :wink:

All the best.
Happy Birthday :eek:ccasion4:

I was thinking about getting number 1 the other day and heres you got all 5 you lucky git :wink:


Hey fella's, thanks for the birthday wishes, the post was really more to say how great the DVD's are, and if you are in any doubt about them, then just buy them, every one is packed with very clear and concise information. I was a little worried that a lot of it would go over my head, but I think because i've read a couple of his books and articles in F&C, the concepts come together very simply.

They definitely inspire you to go the hand-tool route (not that I needed any more inspiration on that front) and take your time to make precision cuts, I suppose its like most things in life, once you are shown how a technique is performed it's much easier to replicate than trying to read how to do it.

I would say it's the next best thing to actually being shown in person. Im especially looking forward to watching No.3 (shooting simplified) I have a stray cat that keeps terrorising my moggies, and my aim requires soome modification..... ' what do you mean its not that kind of shooting?' :)
Happy Birthday BB

I'll bless you like the Jews do...Till 120...

The new generation modified it to...Till 100 - like 20

So you can choose :)

Best regards
Happy Birthday Byron.

PS - how did you train SWMBO to listen to your mutterings? I have tried emailing mine a list of desirable items. She always deletes it :(
Gill":o3sse311 said:
Many Happy Returns :) .

Now you'll have to get her what she really wants for her birthday instead of a subscription to Top Gear magazine ;) :) .

Seriously, I envy you.


BB - all the best, have a good 'un :eek:ccasion4: \:D/....... I would have thought a matching set of stainless steel spade and fork set, with handles in Rosewood and inlaid silver initials might do the trick :lol: - Rob
Phil - I think the trick here is; repitition. It's like therapy, I set 'triggers' so that when I mention something, it triggers a reaction. Now this is a tricky technique, and 99% of my efforts fail, usually when I use the 'trigger' word Lie Nielsen she instantly yawns and wanders off - once a reaction has been set by the trigger word, it's very hard to re-train, so use your 'trigger' words with great caution. I would suggest practising with something small like; screwfix, or B&Q and work up to the shiny stuff like LN, Veritas et al.

Be warned; training a woman is a very dangerous act and can lead to bruised ego, broken ear drums, and numb plumbs!

Rob - That might just well do the trick, although her birthday isn't until next July, so i've got plenty of time to arrange something - maybe that holiday that I should have got instead of el-rusto :)
Happy Birthday Byron.

Best I get is a shirt I never wear or a jumper that she shrinks..... :roll: :wink:

For just £900 a week in 20 installments made payable to: Byron Blacks 'How to train your womans spending patterns to suit you' hypnosis audio course, you too can look forward to shiny presents that you have always wanted!

But thats not all!!

Buy now, and you'll also get an indestructible knife, be amazed as it slices tomatoes, and even cuts through tin cans! Ever needed to sever a limb after getting caught in a bear trap whilst running from angry woodsmen? Then the extremo-sharp 2000 is your best friend!

Just call 0800 - 555 - CON ME for your first trial hypnosis tape!


I've been watching too much late night QVC!!

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