Hudson Carpentry
Established Member
I voted for the Gavel, I even suggested the idea, I pushed myself time wise to get a gavel done, I take pictures then miss the deadline to submit them (hammer) .
The last 3 days have been hectic. Tuesday out till 11pm, fall asleep as I got in. Wednesday again in at 11pm. Last night in at 6pm but shortly back out to watch a mates band and not back till early this morning.
Anyhow I didn't have a winner and have posted pictures below.
The last 3 days have been hectic. Tuesday out till 11pm, fall asleep as I got in. Wednesday again in at 11pm. Last night in at 6pm but shortly back out to watch a mates band and not back till early this morning.
Anyhow I didn't have a winner and have posted pictures below.