Adhesive foam for external window mullions?

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Established Member
21 Aug 2017
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We had an extension built around 15 years ago. The closest match we could get to the existing Edwardian mullioned windows was double glazed but with external mullions. These consist of three horizontal mouldings the width of the frame and then vertical pieces running between to create the small pane effect (although the glas sis in fact a single large sheet).

These smaller pieces have started to fail - I suspect years of being bashed by window cleaners has enabled water to get behind, etc.

They are stuck onto the glas via a thin sheet of high density foam. I assume (but don't know) that this was double-sided adhesive originally: attached to the mullion, trimmed then stuck to the glass.

I can clean the foam and sticky residue off the window/mullion with acetone. I'd like to re-attach the mullions (rather than replace the windows!). Any suggestions for something durable externally that will survive heat/cold/rain/frost/dry?

I tried with a supposedly double-sided adhesive foam tape...but it lasted under 6 months.

Many thanks
Thanks Doug
That looks perfect. Sometimes not knowing the right words to google is the biggest hurdle!

you need glass cleaner -use the acetone to clean off grease and dust before applying

make sure the bars arent too long or they wont stick down enough and water will get behind

the adhesive on that tape is high instant grab -if you get it in the wrong place its not coming off easily.

a piece of 3mm/6mm mdf or hardboard cut to the right size is ideal to help get the placement right

Butyl tape lasts longer than foam tape, but you cant buy it in the correct width, so you would need 2 strips per bar.
you need glass cleaner -use the acetone to clean off grease and dust before applying

make sure the bars arent too long or they wont stick down enough and water will get behind

the adhesive on that tape is high instant grab -if you get it in the wrong place its not coming off easily.

a piece of 3mm/6mm mdf or hardboard cut to the right size is ideal to help get the placement right

Butyl tape lasts longer than foam tape, but you cant buy it in the correct width, so you would need 2 strips per bar.
Thanks Robin - really helpful.
Do you mean a glass cleaner as well as acetone or jsut the acetone?
The bars are the ones that have come off, so I'm hping they haven't changed length.
Excellent tip re. the spacer - I'll do that.

Thanks again
Thanks Robin - really helpful.
Do you mean a glass cleaner as well as acetone or jsut the acetone?
The bars are the ones that have come off, so I'm hping they haven't changed length.
Excellent tip re. the spacer - I'll do that.

Thanks again
yes just acetone should be fine -done the same day as putting on the bars

I used to run a joinery company and have been sticking these things on for years -Its a bit of a compromise the foam isnt amazing, Ive had to do remedial work on site to refix them.

the bars may have been over length from new -just check when they go on they arent being held away from the glass.

reddiseals etc the tape is guaranteed for 10 years, but thats in perfect conditions
Go to Eurocell they have multiple thicknesses and colours. and specialist cleaning solvent. Cheap too.

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