Wood for making small boxes


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1 Jul 2018
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I need to make small boxes for microscopes and other optical equipment. Can anyone advise on a grade and source of high-quality plywood around 10-12mm thick? I have had problems with commonly-available grades such as softwood layers that do not finish well or hardwood veneers that are so thin there is a serious danger of sanding through them. I have also found wormholes in new sheet. I would like to use a solid fine-grain timber instead of ply but reducing planks of beech or other fine timber to 10-12mm seems wasteful and I have not found a supplier of solid timber in such thin sheets.
Using a Thickneeser (P/T) and a Bandsaw resaw 25mm Timber in Half then plane them down to 10 or 11mm.


if the instruments are good quality, then I think a ply box is not doing them justice.

I would use walnut or beech. If you find a 35 mm thick plank you can slice that twice to give 3 slabs of almost 10mm, then depending how well your bandsaw cuts, either sand it or use a router on a sled to make an even sheet. I regularly reduce timber to 6mm and occasionally 5mm this way.
+1 for Timberline. Very good to deal with. They are near me and I would advise not to go in the shed or you will end up buying far more wood than you intended to! Often has some really interesting.

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