Window 10

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Established Member
11 Apr 2004
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Paignton Devon
I have W7pro with XP mode available.

Why do I want or need to put in W10?, I am quite content with my present set up.

Would it benefit me in anyway?

(I recall the old saying nothing is ever free)
It would be far better to wait until the new OS has sorted out all the bugs. That may take months yet, so don't change yet unless youi are prepared for a lot of hastle. It is free to W7 pro, so no rush.
The only point where you're better advised to consider the risks is when MS switch off support (bug fixes) for 7. I've got 10 free in my system tray ready to install but im waiting until all the nerds have Guinea pigged it past its first bug fix
windows 10 has been on insider testing (like beta testing but much much bigger) for the last 8 months, what is being rolled out now is probably the most finished version of windows ever at initial release (which isn't saying much I know, but it is very finished)
the roll out is very clever too, they are not just chucking it out there, when you signed up for it they took your system driver details, as drivers become available for your hardware they release windows 10 to you.

anyway, why would you want it.
how long does you machine take to boot? windows ten should half that.
does your machine occasionally drive to a standstill because you've got to much open or something is happening in the background (updates virus scan etc.). windows 10 is designed not to do that
is it free, yes it is.
is it going to be supported with new updates, security patches etc. that'll be windows 10 then.
does it come with all sorts of clever little applications that you'll find uses for, no dowt but that's not really a reason. :)
I disliked Windows XP, I hated Windows 8.1 that came with my new laptop, now Windows 10 has downloaded automatically ??.

Did I want it, not really.

I know why Windows 10, because it’s ten times worse than all the previous versions of Windows, In my opinion.

Print that small it’s difficult to read.

No Email connection, just informs me that my account is out of date.

If you have an option, steer well clear.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, :evil:

Take care.

Chris R.
I'm a Mac user that has used most versions of Windows over the years until I retired a while back.

Windows 1 and 2 were so bad one was withdrawn from sale and the other saw customers given their money back.
Windows 3 was a joke (text based system made to look like a GUI) but actually worked so DOS users flocked to it eventually.
As a Mac user I actually liked Windows 95 even though it still relied on DOS. Windows 98 was ok as well. Not keen on Vista when it came out but I did some good work on XP. Hated Windows 7 and found it very unintuitive to use. Not even seen Windows 8 or 10. I wish them well but have to ask, how difficult is it to copy other respected OS's like Unix (Mac & Linux) and googles offerings? It looks like someone at MS has got a grip, I hope I'm right because we all gain when they feed off each other. :lol:
novocaine":bggenqgc said:
anyway, why would you want it.
how long does you machine take to boot? windows ten should half that.
does your machine occasionally drive to a standstill because you've got to much open or something is happening in the background (updates virus scan etc.). windows 10 is designed not to do that
is it free, yes it is.
is it going to be supported with new updates, security patches etc. that'll be windows 10 then.
does it come with all sorts of clever little applications that you'll find uses for, no dowt but that's not really a reason. :)

Downloaded W10 last night. Download went well. Migration of Favourites didn't happen, working on that now.

Do I care if m/c boots faster? I haven't noticed it does and anyway it has zero importance to me.

Looks to me as a pure marketing ploy by Microsoft to further become indispensable - probably why it had to given away free - it's just change for the sake of it under the guise of alleged progress. They need to keep pushing new stuff out whether its needed or not, cannot stand still else you stagnant.

I'm not finding the transfer easy, but that's me and it has to be done sometimes and the earlier the better IMO.
Microsoft have been suitably verbally abused today mainly on the basis of being '....... timewasters'

Ok I'm going to defend Microsoft. Cortana is a big news. Don't get it confused with Siri it is seriously powerful and is adaptive learning. It already monitors Microsoft's azure environment and can automatically provision additional capability based on when it knows the system is going to busy. So imagine Dominos Pizza, at 9am they are pretty quiet, at 7pm pretty busy and on a Tuesday its swapped because of their two for two on Tuesday so imagine that the system automatically gives Dominos 1 server at 9am, 10 at 7pm but on a Tuesday Dominos get 50 servers for 3 hours. And that is all done in advance and automatically by the system.

That just one feature of the system.

I personally wouldn't suggest anyone who's not techy should upgrade just yet. Let the pros get their hands on it and understand it and then there will be knowledge about to help. Also this is the last major MS release for the foreseeable future as it will just get gradual upgrades. Oh and Edge is the new browser which looks interesting.

Eventually we'll all be on 10 like it or not!
I'm up and running now. Can't say I'm seeing better performance or anything that I may find useful. Oh, I can write and make notes on on webpages, well I can if I have a digital pen - I'm sure Paint would do this.

Would be a lot better if the nerds would use descriptions - Microsoft Edge wtf is that? As I see it is a basically an updated Internet Explorer, how they get Edge I just don't know.

Cortana - DiscoStu explains that above, I'll bow to superior knowledge I thought it was a digital assistant, and it may be. Allegedly, you can voice activate Cortana - you can even change her? name - now that could be really interesting; I wonder if they have a built in censor:)

Actually, Cortana was an A.I. given female form in the Halo games - Google form 'cortana halo 4'. There is quite a thing for Cortana in the world of cosplay. This is a woodwork forum, so feel free to google that too...

I haven't downloaded it yet, but I have no reason not to. I like MS, and their new approach with free distribution seems to bring them more in line with GoogleEmpire (c). I suspect, too, a very shrewd move combined with essentially identical cross-platform use. My current laptop is over three years old, so I wonder if it will pack enough techie clout to run Win10.

Adam S
Cortina is a digital assistant from an end user perspective but unlike Siri that is pretty dumb (although does a reasonable job) Cortana has the AI (Artificial intelligence) to grow and I believe will be come very powerful. Not sure if you want some AI learning all about your preferences and habits though! Especially if your misses uses your PC and Cortana assumes it's you and asks if you'd like her to open all of your commonly used websites!

I think AI is powerful but there is real risks associated with it. Recently Stephen Hawking raised concerns along the lines of: if you play AI out then it could become dangerous as it could end up proposing that the best way to solve say a food shortage would be to reduce the number of consumers. I don't see Cortana trying to electrocute you just yet though!
DiscoStu":1i3sf93b said:
.....Not sure if you want some AI learning all about your preferences and habits though! Especially if your misses uses your PC and Cortana assumes it's you and asks if you'd like her to open all of your commonly used websites!

You are so right. I can't believe the cretins that don't think through the broader implications of things like this.

eBay and Amazon are equally as bad. "Based on your recent purchase/search we think you might be interested in ...."

My despair is deeper than that as it seems to me that there are too many projects/systems/financial systems etc where the designers blithely assume that everything will be hunky-dory and never stop to consider 'What if?'. Virgin Galactic is the latest ill-thought through system that never considered the 'What if'.

As dickm knows only too well (as he was involved in the development of it), there is a bloody good way of looking at things as epitomised by the excellent and enlightened OU course 'Systems Behaviour' and many of todays wunderkind would do well to go on the course.
DiscoStu":2xiolsjo said:
if you play AI out then it could become dangerous as it could end up proposing that the best way to solve say a food shortage would be to reduce the number of consumers.

To be fair that is the only long-term solution. It's how it's addressed that matters though.

DrPhill":2xiolsjo said:
Cortana? Think 'digital creepy doll.' who reports directly back to her bosses on everything that you ask her......

I think that's getting a bit tin-foil-hat. The processing is done in the cloud, but I doubt Microsoft have the storage or desire to record every individual request; instead they'll be interested in broad trends which are actually more useful when anonymous. Think along the lines of predicting the behaviour of a crowd (fairly easy) as opposed to an individual in that crowd (very hard).

RogerS":2xiolsjo said:
Virgin Galactic is the latest ill-thought through system that never considered the 'What if'.

I find it very hard to believe that Virgin Galactic hasn't considered pretty much every possibility - given the hundreds, if not thousands of professional engineers involved in that sort of project.

Back to Windows 10; I've changed over on my laptop which was on 8.1 and it seems fine. I'll leave the desktop on Windows 7 for a while though as that has some less common applications and hardware on it and I'd like to be sure they'll work well with 10.