I am hoping someone can give me some help. I want to make small boxes for the tooth fairy or something similar for my new granddaughters as keep sakes. One is in America and I want to use old apple wood from the family garden to make it worth keeping in the future......a link to the old home and all that, although it could be any wood. I have yet to cut up the apple wood into small (say 10mm thick) but the wood will be hard now and possibly split so am happy enough to use the wood turners trick of epoxy filled splits, possibly colour as in gold or silver. Some looks as if it may be burred (?). Really something which will be liked when received and appreciated long after I am long gone as I may never meet the ‘wee one’ in America. The wood is several years drying out as logs so should be dry. An indication of where I could look for ideas would be appreciated as I have no ideas myself. Best wishes to you all.